Account of a voyage to the western coast of Africa; performed by His Majesty's sloop Favourite, in the year 1805. Being a journal of the events which happened to that vessel, from the time of her leaving England till her capture by the French, and the return of the author in a cartel.

Material Information

Account of a voyage to the western coast of Africa; performed by His Majesty's sloop Favourite, in the year 1805. Being a journal of the events which happened to that vessel, from the time of her leaving England till her capture by the French, and the return of the author in a cartel.
Series Title:
Collection of modern and contemporary voyages and travels [1st series] ;
Spilsbury, F. B ( Francis B )
Place of Publication:
printed for Richard Phillips ... by J.G. Barnard
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
iv, [5]-43, [1] p. : ill. (3 folded) ; 22 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Description and travel -- Africa, West ( lcsh )
non-fiction ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Africa -- Sierra Leone -- Western Area Urban District -- Western Area -- Freetown


General Note:
MMS library copy lacks illustrations.
Statement of Responsibility:
By F.B. Spilsbury, surgeon to the Favourite, and author of Picturesque travels in Syria, &c. Illustrated with numerous engravings.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
497685 ( aleph )
OCM06926931 ( oclc )
ca 08003264 /unrev'd ( lccn )
G161 .P55 vol. 6, no. 5 ( soas classmark )
MMSL AF-WE1131 ( ddc )