Illustrated account of the story of Abu Ali Bin al-Mansur

Material Information

Illustrated account of the story of Abu Ali Bin al-Mansur
Series Title:
Papers of General Fereydoun Djam. Visual art.
[Unknown photographer]
عکاس ناشناخته ( contributor )
Place of Publication:
[unknown caligrapher]
Publication Date:


General Note:
Dated: [date of publication not identified]
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Extent: 1 piece
General Note:
420 x 325 mm
General Note:
Following its donation to SOAS by the Fereydoun Djam Charitable Trust in 2011, this item was held in the SOAS Brunei Gallery art collection between 2011-2015 [Reference: SOASAW 2011.0246.01]
General Note:
Iillustrated account of the Story of Abu Ali Bin al-Mansur (6th Caliph). (In Persian with many Arabic phrases). A record on paper of a man who called both men and ordered the Christian man to pay 600,000 dinars as Rad-al-mazalem (pay back what he owed). This brought about disagreement and the Muslims became disgruntled with the Jews and Christians. Balhour was summoned from Damascus. Abul Faraj got involved saying he is Sayyid (descendent of the Prophet) and in an attempt to conquer Africa fought several wars between Mansur ibn Yusuf and him. He was captured and killed in the year 368. The name Abu Ali bin al-Mansur, the 6th Caliph’s name is written in red in a larger size in naskh script above a painting breaking the text into two parts, of a crowned man seated in front of a gold screen and next to him a man sitting with some document/abacus in his hands. Painting and text in black ink on paper. 1 sheet. Dimensions: 420 x 325 mm.
General Note:
Removed from modern frame by SOAS Brunei Gallery staff before transfer to SOAS Library
General Note:
Descriptive text from former entry on SOAS Brunei Gallery catalogue
General Note:
Source document stored in oversize box containing glass items
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Djām, Fereydūn, 1914- : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
Resource Identifier:
PP MS 95, Box 9 ( SOAS Order with reference )
PP MS 95/07/10 ( SOAS CALM Reference )