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“...ITa partnership ■ of churches in mission OFFICERS’ GROUP MEETING AGENDA 18 JUNE 2011 Durban, South Africa “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“...Officers present Ta partnership of churches in mission Rev Dr Prince Dibeela Moderator (Africa) Rev Eric So Treasurer (East Asia) Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan Deputy Moderator (South Asia) Miss Ayana McCalman Deputy Moderator (Caribbean) Miss Teresa Ngai Deputy Moderator (Pacific) Rev Evert Overeem Deputy Moderator (Europe) Staff members present Rev Dr Collin Cowan Ms Marisa Dallamora General Secretary Director of Operations 2...”

“...BT a partnership of churches in mission Confidential Minutes of the • Extraordinary Officers’ Group Meeting 13-14 February 2011 London UK “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 72331747 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“...applications for permission to issue a Certificate of Sponsorship on behalf of the General Secretary, it was very unlikely that the fourth application awaiting approval would be successful. Given that the current situation of the General Secretary leading from Jamaica is untenable, he suggested that the location of the Secretariat in the UK should be reconsidered. Dr van der Water commented on some of the reasons that the question of relocation should be revisited in his paper, Work in Progress, or Mission Accomplished, namely: ■ Ideological reasons (colonial history) ■ Regulatory environment ■ Visa Issues. 3...”

“...context, inclusive of compensation for staff unable to make the move and retaining a small office operation in London; and prepare a budget for that purpose The Moderator then invited discussion which included: * The Officers would join forces with its ecumenical partners to approach the British Prime Minister. It was noted that the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), The Evangelical Community of Apostolic Action (CEVAA) and the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) each represent very large constituencies ■ Clarification that CWM should make a decision to move short of a radical reversal of immigration policy • CWM would leave London in protest. Leaving the UK would itself be a prophetic witness ■ Recommending one city would make it easier for Trustees to agree or disagree. The Officers would not be exercising due diligence if they did not make a recommendation ■ Trustees should be informed ahead of time rather than wait for the June TBM ■ Comparison...”

“...freedom to speak boldly as a faith based organisation on political, religious or other issues of justice will compromise CWM’s ethos, identity and strategic goal for prophetic witness and speaking out against injustice. The OGM acknowledges the security concerns of crime and violence in South Africa, but gives due consideration that two of CWM’s member churches continue to engage in ministry and mission undaunted in this mission context. The OG recognised that Johannesburg would provide the CWM Secretariat and its Member churches with invaluable opportunities and models for engaging in mission to develop the new strategy. It is recommended and resolved that: a. The OGM resolves to recommend that the Trustees at the June, 2011 TBM relocate the Secretariat to Johannesburg, South Africa on a phased basis first, with the relocation of the General Secretary and a small support staff by September, 2011. b. The OGM resolves to expeditiously communicate and engage with Trustees, Regions and the...”

“...11/02 OG 4.1 a partnership k groifllS of churches Tv F m mission Report of Visit to Church of South India, 7-8 March 2011 CWM team: Rev Eric So - Treasurer Rev Philip Woods - Executive Secretary for Mission Programme Those who met with the Officers of the Church of South India (CSI) • Most Rev. S. Vasanthakumar (Bishop, Karnataka Central Diocese) - Moderator • Rt. Rev. G. Devakadasham (Bishop, Kanyakumari Diocese) - Deputy Moderator • Mr. M.M.Philip (Madhya Kerala Diocese) - General Secretary • Dr. Bennet Abraham (South Kerala Diocese) - Honorary Treasurer And outside the formal meeting were accompanied by Professor Irwin Parker CSI CWM Mission Coordinator, who also arranged for us to see one of the CWM supported girl-child programmes in Vellore Diocese. Background CWM's Officers initiated this pastoral visit to the CSI in the light of a number of developments including: • The alleged fraud of tsunami funds donated by Episcopal Relief & Development and the subsequent legal actions initiated...”

“...a partnership V gsjffliI of churches W r in mission 11/02 OG 4.1 ’ arguing amongst themselves about the status of Professor Parker, with the Moderator stating that he had wanted him sacked from day one and demanding of the Genera! Secretary why this had not been done yet, whilst the General Secretary and Treasurer attempted to placate him. (Professor Parker was not in the room as the General Secretary had warned him to keep out of sight of the Moderator, who was known to have a grudge against him because he had requested his Diocesan accounts as part of his role monitoring and evaluating CWM-supported programmes, which the Moderator described as impertinent. Subsequent to our meeting Professor Parker has tended his resignation to the CSI out of frustration with the Moderator). We introduced the purpose of our visit, with Eric So expressing the concern of CWM's Officers for the CSI and our desire to learn from them how they viewed matters. The Moderator then went on to describe some of the...”

“...a partnership k tCTnia of churches F in mission 11/02 OG 4.1 ’ the church and whether it was the case that there were two 'camps' within the church, but little was given apart from evasive generalities. (Subsequent enquiries have revealed that there is a movement within the CSI fighting corruption within the church and calling its leaders to account, but it is not clear how widespread or effective it is). Our Conclusion The meeting did not inspire confidence and it would appear that the CSI is actually facing a considerable crisis, especially if the Inland Revenue investigation finds fault with them. Yet, apart from the Inland Revenue investigation there was little willingness to concede either the gravity or the scope of the problems/challenges they face (even if they are only malicious allegations). In such circumstances it is hard to know how we can best journey with them. The root of the problem appears to be their system of governance, which would appear to give too much power to the...”

“...CWM's strategy, integrating them through the creation of Regional Mission Councils, comprising the Council members (global Trustees) from each Region (with additional members as determined by the Region) and Regional Assemblies to be held on a similar cycle midway between the global Assemblies. 5. To address the increasing challenge of visa procurement for meetings, the quorum for Council and Executive meetings will be set at 16 and 6 respectively (50% +1) (Currently 2/3 for the Trustee Body). 1. Assembly Meeting every 4 years to: • Read the signs of the times • Listen to God • Set strategic priorities • Elect o Moderator and Treasurer o 6 Deputy Moderators (one from each Region) o 2 young Trustees to serve on Executive o The remaining members of the Council (All of whom will serve as Trustees of CWM) • Following this each Region from amongst it's Council members will elect a Regional Chairperson, to Chair the Regional Mission Council and oversee the work of the Regional Office in conjunction...”

“...strategy • Principal programmes and regional reports • Approve major grants, scholarships, etc. (major member support decisions) • Constitution (only when required) • Budget • Risks (in the context of strategy and organisational values and purpose) • Appoint General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary • Recommend to the Assembly the recognition or withdrawal of recognition of members O Members (Trustees) meeting in their regional groupings (and not just in the global meeting) as Regional Mission Councils will also be similarly responsible for the life of their Region (with additional members as determined by the Region) Membership 31 Trustees (member representatives) If a member (Trustee) is unable to attend a meeting of the Council, his/her member body may send a non-voting alternate in his/her place. If a member of the Council resigns, they must be replaced by someone in the same category e.g. youth, gender, ordained or lay from the same member body. They cannot be replaced by someone...”

“...female & one male from Regions other than where the Moderator & Treasurer come from) Within this group as a whole there should be a balance of women and men Plus as a non-voting member the General Secretary 4. Regional Mission Council Meeting at least once a year outside the meetings of the Council to: • Lead and exercise oversight of the implementation of CWM's strategy in the Region —• Oversee and support the work of the Regional Office • Identify Regional and local concerns that need bringing to the global agenda • Ensure the Region is aware of and as appropriate participates in CWM global concerns and activities • Provide an account of the Region's activities and stewardship of CWM's resources to the Council • Organise an annual Roundtable meeting where the Regional Mission Council can meet with key stakeholders from each member church to review progress on the development of missional congregations in the regional context and how other elements of CWM's strategy can better support this...”

“...congregations in the regional context and how other elements of CWM's strategy can better support this. 6. A Regional Assembly, to be held once every four years, midway between the global Assemblies. Regional Mission Council Meeting at least once a year outside the meetings of the Council the regional Mission Council will: • Lead and exercise oversight of the implementation of CWM's strategy in the Region • Oversee and support the work of the Regional Office • Identify Regional and local concerns that need bringing to the global agenda • Ensure the Region is aware of and as appropriate participates in CWM global concerns and activities • Provide an account of the Region's activities and stewardship of CWM's resources to the Council • Organise an annual Roundtable meeting where the Regional Mission Council can meet with key stakeholders from each member church to review progress on the development of missional congregations in the regional context and how other elements of CWM's strategy can better...”

“...with the Secretary for Finance to review systems and procedures and to share good practice. Annual Regional Roundtable meeting This will build on the work of the existing Regional Roundtables, but with the addition of the members of the Regional Mission Council (where they are not already members) and with the organisation of the event led by the Region working in consultation with the host church and the global Mission Enabling office. Regional Assembly This will be held once every four years, midway between the global Assemblies, and will • Read the signs of the times in the regional context • Listen to God • Set strategic priorities for the Region within the context of CWM's global strategy • Elect any additional members to the Regional Mission Council, including the Regional Treasurer Transitional Arrangements up to the Assembly in 2012 Where a Region is able to move forward more quickly the Regional Representative will assume the role of Regional Chairperson (to provide the link with...”

“...communication and also communication with members by posting documents on a website. 24. I have marked a few comments in the Bye Laws in square brackets. In particular, I was not sure if the lists of functions of the Assembly, Council and Executive in the briefing paper were intended to replace the equivalent provisions currently in the Bye Laws (which are generally more detailed), and it would be useful to discuss this with you further. I was also not clear about the relative roles of the Regional Mission Council and the Regional Reference Group, and whether these are the same or different groups, so these provisions may need adjusting. [The Bye-Laws need quite a bit more detailed work]. 12...”

“...Articles of Association and Memorandum andArticles of Association of The Council for World Mission 15...”

“...The Companies Acts 1985 and 1989to 2006 Company Limited bv Guarantee and not having a Share Capital Index to Articles of Association of The Council for World Mission [The final version will include page numbers] Part A - Objects, powers and application of CWM's assets 1. Defined terms 2. Obiects 3. Powers 4. Limitation on orivate benefits 5. Limited liability Part B - Membership 6. Members 7. Authorised Representatives 8. Register of Members 9. Termination of Membership Part C - Members' meetings and resolutions 10. General Meetings 11. Length of Notice 12. Contents of Notice 13. Service of Notice 14. Attendance and sneaking at general meetings 15. Quorum for general meetings 16. Moderating general meetings 17. Attendance and sneaking bv Trustees and non-members 18. Adjournment 19. Voting: general 20. Votes 21. Errors and disputes 22. Poll votes 23. Procedure on a noil 24. Proxies 25. Delivery of Proxv Notices 26. Amendments to resolutions 27. Written resolutions...”

“...The Companies Acts 1985 to 2006 Company Limited by Guarantee and not Having a Share Capital Memorandum Articles of Association of The Council for World Mission Part A - Objects, powers and application of CWM's assets Name 1. The name of the company is the Council for World Mission. In this Memorandum and the company's Articles of Association it is called "CWM".Defined terms Registered Office 2-.----The registered office of CWM is situated-in England. The interpretation of these Articles is governed by the provisions set out in the Schedule at the end of the Articles. X Objects X------The objects of CWM are to spread the knowledge of Christ throughout the world, "that is to say the work of World Mission". X Powers 4-.----To further its objects CWM shall have power to: XI 4rircarry on, strengthen and extend the missionary work of CWM and its members; 3.2 4r2-help churches to proclaim the glorious Gospel of the Blessed God and to share resources of people, money, faith and understanding in...”

“...The Companies Acts 1985 to 1989 Company Limited by Guarantee and Not Having A Share Capital Articles of Association of O The Council for World Mission Interpretation i:-----In these Articles and the Memorandum of Association the following terms shall have the following meanings:- ---------------Term------------------------Meaning ----"Act”-----------------------the—Companies—Aet—1985—including—any statutory modification or re-enactment for the time being in force ----"address^-------------------in relation to electronic communications includes any number or-addrcss used for purposes of communication lv3----"Alternate”-----------------an alternate Authorised Representative appointed in accordance with Article-4-2 ----"Articles”------------------These Articles of Association of CWM •IrS---"Assembly"------------------the assembly of CWM established pursuant to Article-27- ----"Authorised Representative"—the authorised representative of a member-appointed in accordance with Article-4 ----"...”

“...any-statutory modification thereof not in force-when the Articles become bindtng-en-CWIMk Part B - Membership fk -3-Members 6.1 SrVThe members shall be those churches, unions or other associations of churches who are admitted to membership by the members at the Assembly; 6.2 3r2-Each member shall declare by resolution its willingness to: 6.2.1 3.2.1 Share in the world mission of Jesus Christ with the other members of the Assembly; 6.2.2 3.2.2 Share its understanding and experience of the Gospel with the other members and to learn from them. 6.2.3 3.2.3 Within this general sharing to send and receive people as partners in mission and to make a financial contribution to CWM, according to its means and the degree of its involvement. 7. ^Authorised Representatives 7.1 4rt-The Trustee drawn from each member shall serve as the member's Authorised Representative at General meetings of CWM. This is without prejudice to any member's rights to appoint one or more Authorised Representatives in accordance...”