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“...partnership of churches in mission OFFICERS’ GROUP MEETING AGENDA 26-27 October 2010 Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipaio House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail: www.cwmission.orq...”

“...k a partnership of churches in mission Officers present Rev Dr Prince Dibeela Moderator (Africa) Rev Eric So Treasurer (East Asia) Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan Deputy Moderator (South Asia) Miss Ayana McCalman Deputy Moderator (Caribbean) Rev Evert Overeem Deputy Moderator (Europe) Apologies Miss Teresa Ngai Deputy Moderator (Pacific) Staff members present Rev Dr Des van der Water Ms Marisa Dallamora General Secretary Director of Operations 2...”

“...b partnership of churches in mission Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting FINAL DRAFT 17 July 2010 Hong Kong “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales Draft 2...”

“...2009/03 OG 4 MATTERS ARISING 4.1 Presbyterian Church of Wales The GS reported on his pastoral visit follow-up to the Presbyterian Church of Wales (PCW) in response to a request from the church that their Mission Support Programme (MSP) allocation be increased to be the same amount as their Mission Programme Support Fund 2 (MPSF2) allocation which had been declined by the Officers. He informed that the visit had been positive and they had successfully identified other ways in which CWM could offer assistance. 4.2 Travel Policy The Director of Operations tabled a paper updating the Officers on the history of the Travel Policy and the work and output of the independent group who had recently reviewed the policy (TBM Paper P3). She summarised the key changes made by the group particularly in relation to the ‘class of travel’ section of the policy explaining the rationale for the criteria set for class of travel should be applied to all CWM travellers and not merely for frequent travellers....”

“...see the Strategy as the general direction. The ‘plan' includes the direction as well as the details ■ Clarification of language generally, and agreement that as more than half of the TB were new Trustees, there was a clear need to take them though the presentation carefully and slowly and to stop often to clarify understanding during the presentation. 5.2 Theological Statement The GS presented the background to the paper that resulted from the need to theologically underpin the new vision and mission statements emerging from the Strategic Framework process. He noted that it was not a Nicean-type theological statement but a living document which was an ongoing discourse of where CWM locates itself theologically and missiologically. It would be utilised and developed for use in Bible studies and other resources. 5.3 Management Review Report Professor Park summarised his presentation for the Trustee Body (TB) which included the management review process, resources used, terms of reference, context...”

“...and work style in the secretariat, consideration for a possible new model, and an introduction to the round table ethos of management. Key points of the discussion that ensued included: ■ Clarification of terms used in the presentation including ‘ubuntu’, which means everything is interconnected ie I belong, therefore I am; and, ‘sangsaeng’ which conveys the concept of mutual dependency ■ Discussion on the inclusion of Regional Mission Enabler in the management structure ■ Suggestions for inclusions in the presentation to the TB, in particular to show the connecting points of the process and relating it to the proposed strategy ■ Clarification that the report is coming from the Officers, via the convenor of the Management Review Group (MRG) • Reorientation was needed for all CWM stakeholders to understand partnership and a round table style of working ■ The need for the regional and global discussions on the subject ■ The staff contribution document which calls for more detail as an important...”

“...7.3 Succession Planning The GS noted that whereas in normal circumstances a process would have already begun for the recruitment for the post of Executive Secretary for Mission Education (ESME) which would be vacant from February 2011. It was noted however, that in view of the management structure review, recruitment for this post would not commence until clarity on the new management structure has been established. The GS clarified the gap that would be left following ESME’s departure at the end of January 2011. The main activities that would run were identified as the Training in Mission and the Women and Men in Mission programmes which would be subsumed into the work of other units. Smaller programmes were not necessarily annual events and thus would not be run in the absence of an ESME. It was agreed that the Officers needed to indicate to the TB that CWM would not be recruiting a replacement for the time being, in light of the pending management review. 7.4 Change Manager A decision...”

“...Appendix - Example of a section 36 declaration by Trustees Board Minute of written resolution for CWM Officer Trustees considering and approving a Section 36 Surveyor’s Report prior to sale of property Minute of a written resolution of trustees (the Officer Trustees) of Council for World Mission (the Charity) concluded on 12th October 2009. Officers involved: The Officer Trustees: Rev Dr P Dibeela (Moderator) Rev E So (Treasurer) Rev E Overeem (Officer) Ms T Ngai (Officer) Miss J McCalman (Officer) Rev Dr E das Pradhan (Officer) In attendance upon the Officers: Rev Dr D van der Water (General Secretary) Miss G Palmer (Company Secretary) 1. The Company Secretary contacted all of the officers by email and requested 100% response, as required for a written resolution. 2. The Company Secretary informed the officers that the business of the written resolution was to consider and, if thought appropriate, approve the sale of 6 Princess Drive, Skipton (the Property) to Paul Hindle (the Purchaser)...”

“...LOCATION 4 .receive the interim report of the CWM Secretariat Location Review Group (possible locations: London, Singapore & Johannesburg) and request that the Midwife Group receive the completed report, after the visits, of the work of the Secretariat Location Review Group. THEOLOGICAL STATEMENT 5. receive and adopt the CWM Theology Statement 2010 “Mission in the Context of Empire” and require the Midwife Group to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to facilitate the sharing, reflection and interpretation, which includes simplification and summarisation of the Theology Statement, with Member churches and Regions and other appropriate mission partners. MEETING 6.1 approve an extraordinary meeting of Trustee Body of the CWM in accordance with Bye Law 6.5 with the agenda and business of the meeting to receive the report of the Midwife Group through the Officers Group, receive the updated Governance Review Group Report, receive the completed Secretariat Location Review Group Report and to...”