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“...a partnership of churches in mission Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting 16 Nov 2009 Sunningdale Park, UK “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“...2009/030G 6 TRAVEL POLICY The Executive Secretary for Mission Programme (ESMP), Rev Philip Woods, joined the meeting and gave an overview of how the new travel policy had emerged. He outlined a travel risk workshop two years ago which highlighted that CWM’s current policy was more a guide on how to book travel and did not consider risk management issues. The following points were highlighted: ■ A new draft Travel Policy was presented to the Officers Group in November 2008 and was adopted by the TBM on 15 June 2009 ■ The policy begins with the rationale for travel, and includes duty of care for travellers, traveller responsibilities, classes of travel ■ The ESMP clarified that the reason he had taken on the responsibility for the policies was due to his experience in travel management at the URC ■ Clarification was given concerning the inclusion of business class travel which was related to risk management and the duty of care to travellers when undertaking high volume of travelling within...”

“... the journey of the process and presenting it to Trustees. The first SPG Workshop in September 2009 went through a rigorous process of trying to understand and interpret the five expressions of mission in CWM’s different contexts. Dr Pillay stressed that the success of the Strategic Plan was largely dependent upon being able to create ownership by the regions. A questionnaire to gather information would begin with the Trustees and be rolled out to the regions for wider consultation via various events in preparation for the second SPG Workshop in February. He outlined the five strategic Imperatives agreed by the SPG at its first workshop: 1. DEEPEN PARTNERSHP - Deepen understanding of partnership, sense of identity and belonging 2. EXPLORE NEW MODELS - Explore and implement, new models of mission, renewal and life-giving community 3. DEVELOP MISSIONAL CONGREGATIONS - Enable member bodies to equip local missional congregations 4. EXERCISE SOLIDATIRY AND PROPHETIC WITNESS - inside and outside...”

“...It was agreed that the diagram would be removed prior to tabling the paper at the TBM. 2009/03 OG 9 THEOLOGICAL STATEMENT GROUP The General Secretary provided background to the formation of a Theological Statement Group to underpin the theological and missiological understanding of the new vision and mission statements. He reported that a small team of theologians, theological educators and missiologists drawn from CWM’s regions and the ecumenical community had been invited to participate in the formation of the statement. The objective is to deliver a statement at the July 2010 TBM. 2009/03 OG 10 REVIEWS 10.1 Governance Review The governance review Terms of Reference (ToR) were discussed. It was noted that the scope of the ToR adopted at the June 2009 TBM was very wide (Paper Q 09 TB 6.1 pages 27-28). It was noted that the governance review should not be led by a set of rules but rather, determined by what our strategy is, the capabilities required, and therefore what governance is needed...”

“...There had been significant progress in the CCM as far unity and reconciliation was concerned. However, recently there had been rumblings of further divisions. The General Secretary undertook to continue monitoring the situation and to respond in appropriate ways. 11.2 Presbyterian Church of Wales The General Secretary reported on the background and contact with the Presbyterian Church of Wales (PCW) in response to a request from the church that their Mission Support Programme (MSP) allocation be increased to be the same amount as their Mission Programme Support Fund 2 (MPSF2) allocation. Rev Evert Overeem expressed a conflict of interest as the region's representative. 7...”

“...North Synod. 11.5 Alternate Trustee - Mr Joseph Milner The OG agreed to accept Mr Joseph Milner as the alternate replacing the Trustee Mrs Nellie Bulla to represent the Churches of Christ in Malawi, and to recommend the alternate to the TBM. 2009/03 OG 12 OTHER MATTERS 12.1 Succession Planning The General Secretary informed the meeting that the OG needed to put into place an action plan and time-table for the recruitment of the successors of the General Secretary and the Executive Secretary for Mission Education (ESME), whose terms of employment expire in 2011 and 2010 respectively. In regard to the post of the ESME, the OG resolved that Mrs Elizabeth Joy's contract, which was due to expire on the 31st October 2010, would be extended to the 31st January 2011. This extension is offered in view of the possible changes to be introduced following recommendations by the Management Review Group. Recruitment of a successor would therefore be put on hold for the time being. 12.2 General Secretary’s...”

“...m a partnership -------of churches in mission M T APPENDIX (i) CWM Officers Group Conference Call Minutes of: (a) Missionary Appointment of Mrs Katalina Tahaafe-Williams (b) Article on CWM in Congregationalist 28 September 2009 -11 hOO (BST) 1. Present Rev Dr M Prince Dibeela (PD - Moderator); Rev Eric So (ES - Treasurer); Ms Teresa Ngai (TN); Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan (EP); Rev Evert Overeem (EO) Staff: Rev Dr Des van der Water (DW - General Secretary); Rev Randolph Turner (RT - Executive Secretary for Personnel and Training) Apologies: Ms Jennifer McCalman 2. Welcome and prayer The General Secretary welcomed all to the meeting and the Moderator opened the conference call in prayer. (A) MISSIONARY APPOINTMENT OF MRS KATALINA TAHAAFE-WILLIAMS 3. Discussion 3.1 The General Secretary gave a brief synopsis of the situation that had given rise to the decision made by the Officers Group (OG) meeting in June 2009, namely that CWM does not continue its financial support of the missionary placement...”

“...t magazine (September 09 issue) featuring outbursts and allegations by Michael Heaney (MH) (General Secretary of the Congregational Federation) about the June 2009 CWM Assembly elections process, which have already caused much hurt, anger and disappointment, especially amongst the delegates who attended the Assembly. PD noted that the remarks by MH were, apart from anything else, casting aspersions both on the appointment of Moderator’s and on CWM's credibility and image as a partnership in mission. PD indicated that a response was essential on the part of the OG, to set the record straight, and that CWM's response should be published through our communication networks. PD informed the OG that the General Secretary and he had been working on a draft statement (attached) which would be published as a response. 5.2 EO observed that such an article should not have been written and that he fears the consequences of such an article being used by the secular press. EO recognised that MH was angry...”

“...Press Statement The Officers of the Council for World Mission (CWM) wish to express their extreme disappointment and dismay at the article featured on the front page of the September issue of the Congregationalist titled, ‘Council for World Mayhem'. The Rev Michael Heaney’s comment that the election procedure for the Trustees and Officers at the recent CWM Assembly in India was ‘farcical and clearly unfair’ is both inaccurate and inappropriate. As General Secretary of the Congregation Federation (CF), a member church of CWM, the Rev Heaney's emotive outburst also goes entirely against the ethos of partnership in mission and the conciliatory manner in which CWM deals with an issue of contention or difference. In the light of this very public attack upon the integrity of all those involved, the CWM officers wish to state, very clearly, the following: 1. That due process had been followed right from the first call for nominations for the posts of CWM Moderator and Treasurer. The names of the...”

“...a partnership of churches in mission APPENDIX (ii) Board Minute of written resolution for CWM Officer Trustees considering and approving a Section 36 Surveyor’s Report prior to sale of property Minute of a written resolution of trustees (the Officer Trustees) of Council for World Mission (the Charity) concluded on 12th October 2009. Officers involved: The Officer Trustees: Rev Dr P Dibeela (Moderator) Rev E So (Treasurer) Rev E Overeem (Officer) Ms T Ngai (Officer) Miss J McCalman (Officer) Rev Dr E das Pradhan (Officer) In attendance upon the Officers: Rev Dr D van der Water (General Secretary) Miss G Palmer (Company Secretary) 1. The Company Secretary contacted all of the officers by email and requested 100% response, as required for a written resolution. 2. The Company Secretary informed the officers that the business of the written resolution was to consider and, if thought appropriate, approve the sale of 6 Princess Drive, Skipton (the Property) to Paul Hindle (the Purchaser). 3. The...”

“...a partnership fWfi I of churches in mission OFFICERS’ GROUP MEETING AGENDA 16 November 2009 Sunningdale Park, London UK “Live the Good News” Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail:”

“...a partnership ‘u , es F in mission Officers present Rev Dr Prince Dibeela Rev Eric So Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan Miss Ayana McCalman Miss Teresa Ngai Rev Evert Overeem Moderator Treasurer Deputy Moderator Deputy Moderator Deputy Moderator Deputy Moderator Staff members present Rev Dr Des van der Water Ms Marisa Dallamora General Secretary Director of Operations 2...”

“...6 Council for World Mission a global community of churches Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting Final Draft 15 June 2009 Mahabalipuram, India Take home the good news Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail: 1...”

“...matter on several occasions in past meetings, resolved to advise the Secretariat that CWM does not support the missionary appointment of Ms Katalina Tahaafe-Williams with the United Theological College, Australia, beyond the first term. The OG have taken this decision following a protracted investigation with the parties concerned, coming to the conclusion that due process had not been followed within CWM, which in the view of the Officers Group, compromises the integrity of CWM’s partnership-in-mission ethos. 4.4 Funding Application - Caribbean Conference of Churches (CCC) The General Secretary reported on follow-up actions taken, after a query had been raised on an ecumenical funding application, submitted by the Caribbean Conference of Churches and which was supported by the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, to the November 2008 OG meeting. The General Secretary informed the meeting that after liaison with the parties concerned, he and the Moderator were satisfied with the...”

“...7. Travel Policy The Executive Secretary for Mission Programme, Rev Philip Woods, gave an overview of the revised Travel Policy that would be presented to the Trustees for adoption. He thanked the Officers Group for their earlier input, which had been integrated into the revised document. A review of the travel procedures to reflect the new travel policy was currently in progress. A Travel Management Company (TMC) review had also taken place and following a seven- week trial period, the engagement of Ian Allan Travel (IAT) had been agreed by the executive staff team. The benefits of the new TMC were outlined and a phased transition to IAT as the main service provider had begun. Rev Philip Woods further reported that a Travel Risk Management service provider had been researched. The service would fill a significant gap in CWM’s duty of care and would provide the essential services listed below along with the cost implications for CWM: ■ A traveller tracker system for a one off set-up fee...”

“ relation to MSP funding allocations as compared to other member bodies. The letter was discussed and it was agreed that the letter was not appropriate for presentation to the Trustee Body as it lacked both motivation and adequate information in relation to actual mission programmes envisaged. The Officers Group meeting noted that PCW's argument was not based on specific criteria but on a comparison with other churches. The meeting were of the view that if such an argument was accepted by CWM, then every other member body should have cause for similar complaint. It was suggested that a response to PCW should acknowledge that the concerns raised have been noted, however, CWM can only respond to issues relating to their mission needs that are clearly stated, and with figures presented that would adequately inform trustees to formulate a response. 11.2 Purchase of Property for Wilkinsons It was noted for the records, that the Officers of CWM had recently authorised the Company Secretary to...”

“...partnership of churches in mission Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting Final Draft 27 June 2009 Mahabalipuram, India Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 (0)20 7233 1747 / 7222 3510 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“...and continuity, despite the likelihood of her being unavailable. The General Secretary was tasked with inviting the above persons to join the SPG. 4.1.2 SPG Terms of Reference The group turned their attention to the Terms of Reference for the SPG and the following important points were agreed: * The need for measurable markers i.e. clearly defined and measurable goals in the plan’s proposal (SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timed) that are built upon the five expressions of mission identified in the Framework * Ownership of the plan - thought must be given as to how to engage the newly constituted trustee body early in the process ■ The dimension of prayerfully seeking God’s heart and direction in the process should be paramount ■ The target deadline for delivery of the plan would remain as the 2010 Trustee Body Meeting and extending this should be avoided....”

“...partnership of churches in mission CWM Officers Group Conference Call Minutes of: (a) Missionary Appointment of Mrs Katalina Tahaafe-Williams (b) Article on CWM in Congregationalist 28 September 2009 - 11h00 (BST) 1. Present Rev Dr M Prince Dibeela (PD - Moderator); Rev Eric So (ES - Treasurer); Ms Teresa Ngai (TN); Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan (EP); Rev Evert Overeem (EO) Staff: Rev Dr Des van der Water (DW - General Secretary); Rev Randolph Turner (RT - Executive Secretary for Personnel and Training) Apologies: Ms Jennifer McCalman 2. Welcome and prayer The General Secretary welcomed all to the meeting and the Moderator opened the conference call in prayer. (A) MISSIONARY APPOINTMENT OF MRS KATALINA TAHAAFE-WILLIAMS 3. Discussion 3.1 The General Secretary gave a brief synopsis of the situation that had given rise to decision made by the Officers Group (OG) meeting in June 2009, namely that CWM does not continue its financial support of the missionary placement of Mrs Katalina Tahaafe-Williams...”

“ magazine (September 09 issue) featuring outbursts and allegations by Michael Heaney (MH) (General Secretary of the Congregational Federation) about the June 2009 CWM Assembly elections process, which have already caused much hurt, anger and disappointment, especially amongst the delegates who attended the Assembly. PD noted that the remarks by MH was, apart from anything else, casting aspersions both on the appointment of Moderator’s and on CWM’s credibility and image as a partnership in mission. PD indicated that a response was essential on the part of the OG, to set the record straight, and that CWM’s response should be published through our communication networks. PD informed the OG that the General Secretary and he had been working on a draft statement (attached) which would be published as a response. 5.2 EO observed that such an article should not have been written and that he fears the consequences of such an article being used by the secular press. EO recognised that MH was angry...”