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“...Council for World Mission a global community of churches Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting 21 June 2008 Port Moresby Papua New Guinea Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: 020 7222 4214, Fax: 020 7233 1747/020 7222 3510 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“ this, yet there was nothing to suggest that CWM were at sea in this. Vote of thanks Chris expressed his gratitude to the SFPG who he described as a highly functional team who were individually and corporately making very positive contributions. The Moderator and others thanked Chris and Steve on their leadership. 6.3 Global Warming The paper Responding to Climate Change was reviewed and discussed (appended to TBM paper J). The paper was prepared in follow-up to TBM minute 2007 TB 7.1. The Mission Programme unit had agreed to drive the issue and put forward seven recommendations as a framework for addressing global warming when embarking on different ministries within the CWM network. The recommendations were acknowledged as being very practical and able to be implemented down to local church level. It was agreed to submit the paper to the Trustees as presented. 6.4 General Secretary’s Essay The General Secretary’s essay was discussed briefly and it was agreed that the Essay be submitted...”

“...a dialogue with the government potentially via CWM lawyers • Explore what concessions there may be for CWM • Potentially CWM member churches or staff in the UK may wish to lobby government The Moderator emphasized the need to be prepared with information in order to anticipate the questions that will arise from the trustee body. 8.3 Sale of Property A recommendation by the Executive Secretary for Finance concerning the vacant staff property purchased for the previous Executive Secretary for Mission Programme was discussed. The Officers authorised the sale or let of the staff house (17 Forest Side, Worcester Park) to a 3rd party at open market value. The Officers delegated responsibility to the Company Secretary to liaise with up to two Trustees to sign and seal (as appropriate) all necessary documentation to complete the sale or lease. 8.4 Missionary Appointment The General Secretary tabled a report from the Executive Secretary for Personnel and Training (ESPT) the Rev Randolph Turner in...”

“...Council for World Mission Celebrating our 30th anniversary OFFICERS’ GROUP MEETING AGENDA 21 June 2008 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Port Moresby Take home the good news Council for World Mission Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: +44 20 7222 4214, Fax: +44 20 7233 1747 E-mail:”

“...Formal Business 08/01 OG 2 Apologies 08/01 OG 3 Minutes White 08/01 OG 4 Moderators for TBM sessions Verbal report 08/01 OG 5 Matters Arising 08/01 OG 5.1 CWM Anniversary Scholarship (ReferP&TReport) Pink TBM paper 08/01 OG 5.2 Zimbabwe Solidarity Verbal report 08/01 OG 5.3 CWM Accompaniment Policy Gold 08/01 OG 6 Trustee Body 08/01 OG 6.1 Resignation of UCSI Trustee - Mr John Sasabule Verbal report 08/01 OG 6.2 Church Membership Applications to CWM Green 08/01 OG 6.3 Global Warming (Refer Mission Programme Report) Lilac TBM paper 08/01 OG 6.4 General Secretary’s Essay Verbal report 08/01 OG 6.5 MSP Funds Distribution (CF & UWI) Verbal report 08/01 OG 6.6 Regional Empowerment Fund Mechanism Grey 08/01 OG 7 CWM Strategic Framework Planning Group Salmon 08/01 OG 8 Staffing Sub-committee Matters 08/01 OG 8.1 Operations Manager Verbal report 08/01 OG 8.2 UK Work Permit Legislation Changes Cream 08/01 OG 8.3 Sale of Property Verbal report 08/01 OG 8.4 Missionary Appointment To be tabled 08/01...”

“...Body 6.1 Resignation of UCSI Trustee - Mr John Sasabule Mr John Sasabule has formally tendered his resignation as a CWM Trustee ‘backdated to 31st December 2007’ citing his reason as his ‘contract with the UCSI ended’. The Rev David Havea, who is the trustee alternate, will be attending the June 2008 Trustee Body Meeting 6.2 Church Membership Applications to CWM Refer to 'Report of CMCG’ (first attachment) 6.3 Global Warming Refer to the report of the Rev Philip Woods, Executive Secretary for Mission Programme to the June 2008 Trustee Body Meeting, paper entitled ‘Responding to Climate Change’ 6.4 General Secretary’s Essay Report to be tabled at meeting. 6.5 MSP Funds Distribution The November 2008 Officers Group meeting agreed to recommend to the June 2008 TBM that the MPSF2 funding allocations to the Congregational Federation and the Union of Welsh Independents would be retained for their respective MSP allocations, in response to a request from the two churches concerned. 4...”

“...9.7 Officers Group - continuity A concern has been expressed about the lack of continuity that will ensue following the 2009 CWM Assembly when both Moderator and Treasurer will have served their maximum two terms. In addition two of the other Officers will also have served two terms, which means that the new Officers Group will start with an almost new group. 9.8 Sale of Property (Past Executive Secretary for Mission Programme) 9.9 Missionary Appointment 10. Future Meetings 9.1 OG meeting, 10-12 Nov 2008, Netherlands 9.2 TB meeting, 16-19 Jun 2009, South India 9.3 Assembly 22-26 Jun 2009, South India 9.4 New TB meeting, 30 Jun 2009, South India 9.5 New OG meeting, 30 June 2009, South India 9.6 TB meeting, 16-19 Nov 2009, London 11. Close 6...”

“...)! ■ Council for World Mission I a global community of churches Confidential Minutes of the Officers’ Group Meeting 19 & 20 November 2007 Singapore Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: 020 7222 4214, Fax: 020 7233 1747/020 7222 3510 E-mail: Registered Charity No 1097842 Company No 4758640 Registered in England and Wales...”

“...made those nations very venerable. The leadership of these two churches were remembered at this time. The General Secretary and Moderator have visited Zimbabwe and more will be reported later in the meeting. Also remembered at this time was Rev Enos Das Pradhan, the General Secretary of the Church of North India, who is unwell and would not be able to join the discussion during the Strategic Framework Planning Group (SFPG) input during the meeting. Mrs Elizabeth Joy, Executive Secretary for Mission Education, had been unwell but would still be able to attend the Missiological Consultation. 2007/2 OG 2 APOLOGIES There were no apologies. 2007/2 OG 3 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING The minutes of the meeting of 22 and 26 June 2007 were agreed as a correct record of the meeting. 2...”

“...through conference calls rather than face-to-face gatherings. Reducing carbon emissions was, however, a small part of the bigger challenge faced by CWM and its ecumenical partners. The Moderator suggested that one of CWM’s programme units, namely Mission Programme could provide the lead in shaping policy in view of its mandate of working together closely with member churches on mission programme. The General Secretary undertook to explore this idea with executive secretarial staff and to report back to the next Officers’ Group meeting. Action: General Secretary to follow up and to report back to next Officers’ Group meeting. 5.3 General Secretary’s Essay The Moderator proposed that key areas and issues raised in the General Secretary’s essay, ‘Mission accomplished or Work In Progress’ be identified and be appropriated for discussion, particularly by the Trustee Body. It was suggested that discussions could take place within the regional groups at the next Trustee Body meeting and that the groups...”

“ in view of CWM Europe region having received their allocation. The meeting affirmed the principle that CWM is committed in an ongoing way to making funds available for regional mission work. It was however emphasised that regions should not assume that the same level of funding currently being disbursed would be available in perpetuity. Action: A paper on the Regional Empowerment Fund mechanisms will be given to the Officers before the next Officers’ Group meeting. 5.7 Covenanting for Justice Co-ordination Group It was agreed that the Rev Baranite Kirata, from the Kiribati Protestant Church will take the place of Revd Philip Woods as the CWM representative on the Covenanting for Justice Co-ordination Group. Revd Woods would remain a member of this group in his capacity as Executive Secretary for Mission Programme. 5...”

“...FROM CWM CHURCHES/REGIONS The Treasurer introduced the Mission Programme Support Fund, Scholarship and Ecumenical Project applications from member churches, collated regionally and given as papers 07 OG 6 to 6.6 An overview paper is given as Paper 07 OG 6. The General Secretary explained that the Project Management Group (PMG), a cross-departmental staff team, has processed all applications. The funding applications were agreed with the following comments and observations. The Officers felt that it would be very beneficial to have an overview of the last 10 years of Scholarships granted by CWM. Rev Dr Andrew Williams, in his capacity as Executive Secretary for Personnel and Training, had already begun to do some work on this. The Moderator also commented that it would beneficial if the Treasurer could have sight of the funding applications prior to any Officers’ Group or Trustee Body Meeting. Action: The Executive Secretary for Mission Programme should ensure that in future the Treasurer...”

“ back the MPSF2 funds that the church had appropriated for the purchase of a Landing Craft. After the due consideration the meeting resolved that CWM could not accede to this request for the following reasons: • CWM - through the Officers - had been in discussion and close consultation with the KPC for some time now on the understanding that the Church had embarked firmly on recouping and repaying the ‘loan’, so that the funds could be deployed for the purpose that it was given, namely for mission programme • CWM is not at liberty, in terms of its internal and external accountability requirements, to condone the diversion of funds for purposes other than that for which such funds had been designated • the KPC, having given CWM its word to make serious attempts to remedy the situation, would be seen to be going back on its word if it now embarks on a different course of action 8...”

“...• it is not evident from KPC’s letter in which ways ‘the de designation of MPSF1 funds would provide significant support for the church in its mission in Kiribati’. Action: The General Secretary to write to the parties concerned and the Officers Group to report accordingly to the Trustee body Meeting. 9.3 CWM Accompaniment and Assistance Policy The General Secretary reported briefly on the background to this item and tabled a suggestion for a framework that could guide CWM in revisiting its current policy which is mainly expressed through the financial assistance provided by the Solidarity and Action Fund, which allows for an annual maximum grant per church of £10,000. It was agreed that in view of the changed and changing nature of global and regional environmental disasters and socio-political crisis, it was appropriate that CWM’s policy be reviewed. The General Secretary reflected on how, in 2003, it had been a struggle to get the grant increased from £7000 to £10,000. Yet the demands...”

“...Andrew Williams and his family, is currently being renovated and prepared for occupation by the Rev Turner and his family. At this juncture, only Mrs Ann-Marie Turner has accompanied the Rev Turner. Two of their sons are currently studying and living in the United States of America and the third son is residing in Kingston, Jamaica. 10.2 Appointment of Revd Philip Woods, ESMP The General Secretary reported on the appointment of the Rev Philip Woods to the position of Executive Secretary for Mission Programme to succeed the Rev Dr Jooseop Keum. The Rev Woods, who is an ordained minister of the United Reformed Church, had commence duties on 1st November 2007 The meeting resolved that the housing provision benefit that is currently availed to expatriate executive secretarial staff would also be extended to the Rev Woods and his family by virtue of his status as a minister of the URC for whom the church has historically provided a manse. In addition, the Officers agreed that they would recommend...”

“...institutional damage resulting from the hurricane in Jamaica or the economic meltdown in Zimbabwe, in order for CWM to meaningfully contribute towards reconstruction and rehabilitation, the organisation would be required to significantly increase its budget provisions. Our existing funds sharing policy does not envisage such an increased budgetary commitment, but this factor alone does not absolve us from paying serious attention to this important dimension of our calling as partners in God’s mission. 2.5 Finally In the final analysis however it is not about the amounts but about CWM’s understanding of the nature of its role in relation to this particular growing need in the member churches, and beyond. Once the principle has been established that the organisation does have a major financial responsibility and should increase its commitment in this area, the discussion about percentages and amounts should then follow. 3...”

“...reason why. As membership was offered to all LMS churches at the time CWM was inaugurated, it was assumed that the churches in question had chosen to decline the offer. A probable explanation could be that it was the understanding at the time that the churches would keep their LMS connection and association through the agency of the then Presbyterian Church in New Zealand. Whatever the actual reason was, the fact is that the churches did not apply for and become part of the Council for World Mission. The General Secretary pointed out that the present inquiry is however looking at the principle of expansion and not the position of individual churches currently seeking membership with CWM. It was also noted that discussions all the CWM governance meetings (i.e. 1993, 1998 & 2002) consistently emphasized that the organisation would only seriously consider applications from interested churches if, at the very least, such expansion achieves the following: • Significantly enhances the global ...”

“...triennial themes. Future plans should build upon careful evaluation of previous experience and achievements of RE, documenting the reasons for any change in direction. Operational planning is expected to follow, identifying themes and setting out manageable stages, so that meaningful monitoring and evaluation of impact can take place at subsequent intervals. Detailed CWM guidance on planning, monitoring and evaluation, and related management accounting information proformas can be found in the CWM Mission Support Programme Handbook (MSP handbook). • The 5 year proposal and fund application resulting from the above planning process should itemize funding needs against the region’s themes and activities. This should be planned, monitored and evaluated using financial tracking documentation such as shown in the MSP handbook. Additional matched funding from other sources within the region is to be encouraged, particularly where there is ecumenical co-operation. A practical limit (preferably 5% but...”

“...I Council for World Mission I a global community of churches TRUSTEE HANDBOOK UPDATE SECTIONS 1 AND 2 ONLY March 2007 Ipalo House, 32-34 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2DB, UK Tel: 020 7222 4214, Fax: 020 7233 1747/020 7222 3510 E-mail:”

“...ministry, mission, witness and service faced by the Church in Zambia today • To discuss the internal and external institutional and ecclesiastical issues facing the UCZ today. The United Church of Zambia is a church that is growing with new congregations being established regularly but is struggling to deal effectively with a large debt and a crisis of confidence in the leadership of UCZ. From our meetings and conversations it is clear that many people in UCZ desire to see profound changes in the governance and management of the church and its human, financial and other resources. They believe the structures are top heavy and the leadership excludes professional lay people with necessary expertise. We were deeply impressed by the commitment of members and their desire to contribute to and participate in the life, work and witness of the United Church of Zambia. We presented an analysis of the issues that were raised and the challenges and opportunities that UCZ should address. I. Mission Strategy:...”