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“...between your Committee and that of the London Missionary Society. ‘ Had I the pen of a ready writer, many arguments might be adduced to urge this subject on the attention of your Committee. There ‘is, however, one, which is equal to a thousand. Say China contains 150,000,000 souls, Cochin-China, Corea, Loo-choo, J apan, and ‘ other places connected with China, tributary to it, 60 or 80,000,000 more, (which, perhaps, is rather a large estimate, ) then we shall ‘ have a fourth of the human race. Now the introduction of your System into China would in time secure its introduction into almost all ‘the other countries above named: and its adoption in our Chinese Schools here would, I conceive, be the readiest way to secure its ‘entrance into China, as most of our teachers return to their own country after a few years’ residence abroad. I would then ask your ‘ Committee, where have you objects which merit more serious and deliberate attention? and would not even an attempt to introduce such “a...”