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“...this place to obferve, that although in the paft year no new Miflionary Stations have been formed to extend its operations, much intelligence has been received to animate its hopes and to guide its counfels: and it may reafonably be expeded, that the benefits of ex- perience, which are on all occafions great, will be found peculiarly important and ufeful to the Mifli- onary Society. The Diredors will now proceed to give an ac- count, in order, of the Miflions eftabliflied by this Inftitution. Mission at Otaheite. Since the laft Annual Meeting, letters have oeen received from our brethren at that ifland: they...”

“...and fanguinary termination. Still, however, they think that impreffions favourable to the characters and the purpofes of our brethren, have been made upon many of the natives of Tongata- boo, which in the event of another benevolent vifit being made to that ifland, may be found to have produced fome fruit, though of an inferior nature and of inconfiderable growth, to his praife and glory, who has often feemed to make the blood of his beloved martyrs the feed of a future Church. South African Mission. The Rate of this Million, when the preceding Annual Report was made to this Society, afforded the Directors abundant matter for gratitude, and admiration at the goodnefs of God, and at the zeal and devotednefs of the brethren who were then engaged in it. Since that time the four brethren, who failed in May, 1800, have arrived at the Cape, and have commenced their Miffionary la- bours in its vicinity ; and three brethren from Hol- land, who rook their paflage in January laft, have, it is hoped...”

“...diligence in the work of his mi- niftry, in the inftru&ion of youth, and in cate- chizing children. Having vifited fome of the ad- jacent iflands, he has recommended to the Direc- tors, that another Miffionary be fent from this Society, to preach the Gofpel at Fogo, Bonavifta, and Green-Pond Ifland. This meafure has been maturely confidered ; and it has been refolved to comply with Mr. Hillyard’s recommendation, whenever a fuitable perfon {hall be accepted and qualified for the propofed Ration. C Mission...”

“...IO THK REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS' Mission to Canada. The Diredors reported to the laft General Meeting, that two Mifiionaries had been fent to Quebec, in compliance with feveral applications which had been received from refpedable perfons united in Chriftian Society at that city; and which reprefented the province of Canada to be in a deplorable ftate, from the almoft total want of Religious lnftitutions. Mr. Bentom and Mr. Mitchell, on their arrival at Quebec, met with kind reception and fuitable encouragement ; and after preaching alternately in a place hired for the purpofe, it was fettled, that Mr. Bentom fhould continue his labours there, and that Mr. Mit- chell fhould proceed to Montreal, in profecution of fimilar fervices. By letters from Mr. Bentom, it appears that fome circumftances occurred which, for a time, feemed to prefent an obftacle to his continued acceptance and ufefulnefs; but his laft letter, dated 4th November, 1800, is more fatisfadory and encouraging, as it Rates that...”