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“...having the veflel, each contending for his own exclufive manner of performing the intend- ed fervice, or (hall they, with open franknefs ac- commodating one another as far as poflible, unite at once, and endeavour to fave their brethren ? The application is obvious. To enter upon it would be to infult common fenfe. The preacher hopes this morning that it will not be deemed egotifm for him frankly to declare his own motives for affording his afliftance on this occaflon. Behold before you then, a Mission- ary ; a Miflionary he repeats in the ftriXeft fenfe of the word. He is not a native of thefe climes, being born a Weft-Indian. His family connexions are in general abroad. He was fent originally to Great Britain for education, which he received at one of our public fchools. He was intended by his connexions, nay, even by himfelf, for a far different line of life from that in which he now appears before this auditory. His thoughts had been directed to the bar. But be- hold 1—when it pleafed God...”