Interview with Hala Shukrallah

Material Information

Interview with Hala Shukrallah
Series Title:
Middle East Women's Activism
Shukrallah, Hala ( Interviewee )
Pratt, Nicola Christine ( contributor )
Place of Publication:
Cairo, Egypt
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Women's activism ( UW-MEWA )
Women -- Political activity ( LCSH )
Egypt ( LCSH )
Arab Spring (2010-) ( LCSH )
الربيع العربي (2010-) ( UW-MEWA )
January 25 2011 Revolution (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
Thawrat 25 Yanāyir 2011 (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
ثورة 25 ياناير 2011 (مصر) ( UW-MEWA )
Arab League ( UW-MEWA )
League of Arab States ( LCSH )
جامعة الدول العربيه‏ ( UW-MEWA )
Palestine ( LCSH )
Student movements ( LCSH )
Democracy ( LCSH )
Demonstrations ( LCSH )
Hijab (Islamic clothing) ( LCSH )
Jamʻīyat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn (Egypt) ( LCSH )
Muslim Brotherhood (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
جمعيات الإخوان المسلمين (مصر) ( UW-MEWA )
International Monetary Fund ( LCSH )
صندوق النقد الدولي‏ ( UW-MEWA )
Usrat Masr Group ( UW-MEWA )
Social justice ( LCSH )
Egyptian Bread Riots (1977) ( UW-MEWA )
انتفاضة الخبز (1997) ( UW-MEWA )
Fundamentalism ( LCSH )
Islamic fundamentalism ( LCSH )
New Woman Foundation ( UW-MEWA )
مؤسسة المرأة الجديدة ( UW-MEWA )
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights ( DBN )
Munaẓẓamah al-Miṣrīyah li-Ḥuqūq al-Insān ( UW-MEWA )
منظمة المصرية لحقوق الإنسان‏ ( UW-MEWA )
Volunteerism ( UW-MEWA )
Voluntarism ( LCSH )
Al Tajammu Party ( UW-MEWA )
Ḥizb al-Tajammuʻ al-Waṭanī al-Taqaddumī al-Waḥdawī (Egypt) ( LCSH )
حزب التجمع الوطني التقدمي الوحدوي (مصر) ( UW-MEWA )
Bashaier Organization ( UW-MEWA )
بشاير (مصر) ( UW-MEWA )
United Nations. Development Programme ( LCSH )
برنامج الامم المتحدة الانمائي ( EGAXA )
Ḥizb el-Dostour (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
Constitution Party (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
حزب الدستور (مصر) ( UW-MEWA )
Tahrir Square (Cairo, Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
Protests (Egypt : 2013 June 30) ( UW-MEWA )
Protests (Egypt : 2011-2013) ( LCSH )
Sudanese refugees ( UW-MEWA )
Centre for Trade Unions and Workers' Services (Egypt) ( UW-MEWA )
مركز الخدمات النقابية والعمالية ( UW-MEWA )
Prisoners' Families Movement ( UW-MEWA )
Kefaya ( UW-MEWA )
Kifāyah (Organization) ( LCSH )
الحركة المصرية من أجل التغيير ( UW-MEWA )
University of Cairo ( UW-MEWA )
Jāmiʻat al-Qāhirah ( LCSH )
جامعة القاهرة ( UW-MEWA )
Camp David Agreements (1978) ( LCSH )
הסכמי קמפ דיוויד (1978) ( UW-MEWA )
اتفاقات كامب ديفيد (1978) ( UW-MEWA )
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- Egypt -- Cairo Governate -- Cairo
30.033333 x 31.233333


Hala was born in Cairo on 27 October 1957. At the age of 11 her family moved to Canada, where her father, who worked for the Arab League, was posted. Hala returned to Cairo when she was 17, which coincided with the student uprising of 1971-72. After her brothers were arrested, she became actively involved in the Prisoners’ Families Movement, which was calling for the release of students and other activists detained for their political activities. She herself was also detained. Hala studied English literature at Cairo University and was involved in student activism around Palestine and social justice issues. In 1975, Hala’s father persuaded her to join him in India, where he was posted, in order to avoid police harassment. She returned to Egypt in 1979, finished her studies and got married. During the 1980s, Hala volunteered in Helwan, a working class suburb south of Cairo, giving literacy classes, where she joined up with other activists in order to mobilize for workers’ rights and health and environmental issues. Through this, she helped to found the Bashaier Organization, to provide social services for working women in the area. She was also a founding member of the New Woman study group, which later became the New Woman Foundation. Hala was involved in the 25 January 2011 uprising. In 2013, Hala became the head of the Dostour party, the first woman in Egypt to head a political party. Professionally, she has worked as a development consultant and holds a MA from Sussex University. ( en )
General Note:
Funding : Women's Activism in the Arab World (2013-2016). This project, funded by a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship, examines the significance of middle-class women's activism to the geo/politics of Arab countries, from national independence until the Arab uprisings. It was based on over 100 personal narratives of women activists of different generations from Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon.
General Note:
Interview conducted on: 12 January 14
General Note:
Duration: 1 hour, 22 minutes and 20 seconds
General Note:
Language of interview: English
General Note:
Audio transcription by Captivate Arabia, Amman, Jordan ,
General Note:
آسيا -- مصر -- القاهرة -- القاهرة
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Pratt, Nicola Christine : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Warwick
Rights Management:
© 2014 the Interviewer and Interviewee. All rights reserved. Used here with permission.