Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula

Material Information

Notebooks on the Malay Peninsula
Alternate Title:
Semenanjung Tanah Melayu
Blagden, Charles Otto, 1864-1949 ( Author, Primary )
Blagden; Charles Otto (1864-1949); orientalist
Place of Publication:
[location unknown]
Publication Date:


Six bound notebooks (Book I-Book IV) and one folder of loose papers,containing manuscript notes by Dr Charles Otto Blagden on the linguistics, customs, genealogies, and geography of the Malay Peninsula. ( en )
General Note:
Among various items in English are found the following materials: A: ff. 9r.-15r. Bĕsisi text on hunting the siamang (the long-armed black gibbon), with interlinear Malay translation. Romanized. Described as ‘Bĕsisi notes of W.W. Skeat’. B: ff. 16r.-20r. Adat undang-undang Minangkabau, ‘from a copy in the possession of R. N. Bland S.S.C.S. made by Muhammad Hussein and Laksamana Mamat (11.1.87), the original being in the Nĕgri Sĕmbilan’. Romanized Malay. C: ff. 59v.-69v. ‘Extract from a MS containing a hikayat followed by the following account of Malay ranks and titles’. A footnote is added to ‘hikayat’ :’Adat Raja-raja bĕrputĕra, etc., written for de Bruijn, Governor of Malacca in 17 …[sic]’. Arabic script, copied from an original MS paginated 1-20. With romanization of the first lines. D: ff. 71v.-103v. Salasilah Yang Dipĕrtuan mangkat di Tĕlok Kĕtapang Malaka. ‘Copied from a MS in the library of the Straits [Branch of the Royal] Asiatic Society.’ Beginning with the Jambi war of A.H. 1083 [A.D. 1672] (the MS mistakenly has ‘1803’). Dated at the end A.H. 1242 [A.D. 1826]. Arabic script, with partial romanization. From an original MS paginated 1-64. Cf. MS 40507. E: ff. 104v.130v. Bintang duabĕlas, on the zodiac. ‘Copied from a MS in the possession of Sheikh Abdulrahman, Malay writer. D. O. Alor Gajah.’ Arabic script, with partial romanization. F: f. 131v. Mystical value of characters of the Arabic script, ‘on the fly-leaf of the MS which follows’ (i.e. of the MS copied in E above).
General Note:
135 ff.
General Note:
European paper, 32 x 20.5 cm.
General Note:
Dr Charles Otto Blagden was born the 30th September 1864, the eldest son of William George Blagden. He was educated at Dulwich College and at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. He was appointed to the Straits Settlements Civil Service in 1888 and held various administrative and judicial posts in Malacca and Singapore. He retired for health reasons in 1897. Returning to England he studied at Gray?s Inn and was called to the Bar in 1900. From 1910 he developed an academic career becoming Examiner in Malay at the University of London in that year. In 1917 he joined the newly-opened School of Oriental and African Studies as Lecturer in Malay Studies. He remained in the service of the School until 1935 when he retired as Reader in Malay Studies. At various dates he was a Vice-President of the Royal Anthropological Society and of the Royal Asiatic Society. His most important published work was (with W.W.Skeat) the comparative vocabulary of aboriginal races in Pagan races of the Malay Peninsula which appeared in 1906. Blagden also interested himself in Burmese studies especially Mon inscriptions. He died 25th August 1949.
General Note:
Book I was previously held first as MS 297493 and later as (part of) MS 297483 [Box 3]; Books II-VI were previously held as MS 29794-MS 297498. The six notebooks by Dr Charles Otto Blagden comprising MS 381320 were reunited as a single collection (MS 381320) in August 2017.
General Note:
Transferred to SOAS Library from the South East Asian Department, School of Oriental and African Studies, November 1973
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Blagden, Charles Otto, 1864-1949 : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.
Resource Identifier:
MS 381320 ( SOAS manuscript number )