
Material Information

Alternate Title:
I am the vine
China Sunday School Association
Place of Publication:
[Hong Kong]
China Sunday School Association
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
78.2 x 53.7 cm


General Note:
Description (Chinese): 两人在捡树枝生火
General Note:
Description (English): At a vineyard, one man is burning a branch and another man is picking up the branch on the ground
General Note:
Chinese transcription: No. 551 我是葡萄树 约翰十五1—7 / 中国主日学协会 / 台湾台北市信箱二一一六号 / 香港九龙信箱五六九〇号
General Note:
English translation: No. 551 I am the Vine / China Sunday School Association / P.O. Box 2116. Taipei, Taiwan / P.O. Box 5690. Kowloon. Hong Kong
General Note:
Text: 約翰福音15:1-7 [John 15:1-7 King James Bible]
General Note:
Footnote: Large characters: No. 551 我是葡萄树 约翰十五1—7 I am the Vine. / Small characters: / China Sunday School Association. 中国主日学协会 / P.O. Box 2116. Taipei. TAIWAN. 台湾台北市信箱二一一六号 / P.O. Box 5690. Kowloon. HONGKONG. 香港九龙信箱五六九〇号
General Note:
The bottom right footnote noting the P.O. box used the Simplified 湾 for "Taiwan" instread of Traditional
General Note:
This poster was digitised and catalogued in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Posters project at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University and with funding from the University and the Henry Luce Foundation. The project was led by a team including Professor Dana L. Robert and Dr. Daryl R. Ireland among others at Boston University. Some of the cataloguing has been modified to reflect SOAS information and practices.
General Note:
Presumed to have been published in the early 20th century

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MS 381279/22 ( SOAS manuscript number )
551 ( Publisher's catalogue number )