
Material Information

Alternate Title:
Repent as early as possible
Alternate Title:
聖經屛語傳單 (五)
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Place of Publication:
Religious Tract Society
Publication Date:
Paper ( medium )
54.5 x 19.2 cm


Subjects / Keywords:
Redemption ( LCSH )
Atonement ( LCSH )
Salvation -- Christianity ( LCSH )
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 湖北 -- 武漢 -- 漢口
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 湖北 -- 武汉 -- 汉口
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- China -- Hubei -- Wuhan -- Hankou
30.581179 x 114.272597


General Note:
Description (Chinese): 圣经选段
General Note:
Description (English): White characters on a black background; black and red characters on a white background
General Note:
Chinese transcription: 趁早悔改  预备见主 / 主耶稣说我必快来赏罚在我(启二十二〇十二) / 要照各人所行的报应他(启二十二〇十二) 务要逃避将来的忿怒(路三〇七) / 请到福音堂买本圣经读 / No. 3110 (汉口)中国基督圣教书会印行(上海) 图解布道委办 圣经屏语传单 (辛)
General Note:
English translation: Top and Bottom (red): Repent as early as possible to prepare for meeting the Lord / Right: The Lord Jesus said, “I am coming soon! My reward is with me.” (Revelation 22:12) / Left: I will give to each person according to what they have done (Revelation 22:12) You must flee from the coming wrath (Luke 3:7) / Bottom left (right to left): Please come to the church to buy a Bible to read / Border: No. 3110 (Hankow) Published by Religious Tract Society (Shanghai) Bible Flyer (H)
General Note:
Text: 啟示錄 22:12 /主耶穌說我 必 快 来 賞罰 在 我 [Revelation 22:12/I will come quickly, and the reward is upon me, and I will repay him according to his ways]
General Note:
Footnote: No. 3110 (汉口)中国基督圣教书会印行(上海) 图解布道委办 圣经屏语传单 (辛) / [No. 3110 (Hankow) Published by Religious Tract Society (Shanghai) Bible Flyer (H)]
General Note:
【〇】does not stand for "0" but rather acts as a colon (e.g. in James 4:14)
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : China Inland Mission : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/148330878
General Note:
This poster was digitised and catalogued in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Posters project at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University and with funding from the University and the Henry Luce Foundation. The project was led by a team including Professor Dana L. Robert and Dr. Daryl R. Ireland among others at Boston University. Some of the cataloguing has been modified to reflect SOAS information and practices.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MS 380713/54 ( SOAS manuscript number )
3110 ( Publisher's catalogue number )