
Material Information

Alternate Title:
Christ's Word
Alternate Title:
Alternate Title:
Christ As The Word able To Save
Religious Tract Society (Great Britain)
Place of Publication:
Religious Tract Society
Publication Date:
paper ( medium )
109.5 x 79 cm


Subjects / Keywords:
Spiritual formation ( LCSH )
亞洲 -- 中國 -- 湖北 -- 武漢 -- 漢口
亚洲 -- 中国 -- 湖北 -- 武汉 -- 汉口
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- China -- Hubei -- Wuhan -- Hankou
30.581179 x 114.272597


General Note:
General Note:
Description (Chinese): 卷轴和对联
General Note:
Description (English): A scroll flanked by two red couplets
General Note:
Chinese Transcription: 中间最上:基督之道 / 中间第二行:是 / 中间第三四行:全备 确定 正直 清洁 永存 真实 公义 (诗十九篇七至十一节) / 中间第五行:尊 守 者 / 中间第六行:能 / 中间最下:正其心 诚其意 修其身 齐其家 治其国 平天下 / 最右:天下溺援之以道 / 最左:人民愚训之以经
General Note:
English Translation: Top: Christ's Word is... / Series of adjectives (right to left): Perfect, Certain, Upright, Pure, Eternal, True, Righteous (Psalm 19: 7 - 11) / In the middle: The Follower can... / Series (right to left): cultivate his character, show his sincerity, improve his body, manage his family, govern his country, pacify the country / Right: The world is drowning and it needs the Word to save it / Left: If the people are fools, teach them with Bible
General Note:
Text: 啟示錄 21:25 /城 門 白 晝 總 不 關 閉 , 在 那 裡 原 沒 有 黑 夜 [Revelation 21:25 King James Bible/And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there]
General Note:
The Religious Tract Society Posters collection is a collection of 75 missionary posters from the Religious Tract Society. The posters were issued from their Headquarters in Shanghai and Hangchow between 1933 and 1942. Posters are in a calligraphic style and are designed in the form of a vertical scroll. The majority of the collection is made up of larger, Chinese-influenced posters, which are a curious hybrid style mixing biblical allusion, native costumes and architecture in a Chinese landscape; other posters are based on the biblical illustrations of Harold Copping (1863-1932), who was a prolific RTS illustrator.
General Note:
This poster was digitised and catalogued in collaboration with the Chinese Christian Posters project at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University and with funding from the University and the Henry Luce Foundation. The project was led by a team including Professor Dana L. Robert and Dr. Daryl R. Ireland among others at Boston University. Some of the cataloguing has been modified to reflect SOAS information and practices.

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
Special Collections
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
MS 380713/15 ( SOAS manuscript number )
CAT. NO. 18381. ( Publisher's catalogue number )