Kśīr Sagār (also called Balabhadra Kuṇḍ)

Material Information

Kśīr Sagār (also called Balabhadra Kuṇḍ)
Series Title:
ब्रज में साइटें: कुंड
Alternate Title:
क्षीर सागर (बलभद्र कुंड भी कहा जाता है)
Place of Publication:
वृंदावन, भारत
Vrindavan, India
वृन्दावन शोध संस्थान
International Association of the Vrindaban Research Institute
Publication Date:


General Note:
The IAVRI catalogue places this image in Baldeo
General Note:
IAVRI series: Sites in Braj : Kuṇḍas
General Note:
IAVRI series: ब्रज में साइटें: कुंड
General Note:
1 colour slide
General Note:
"Between January 1976 and March 1978 over 4,500 photographs were taken and subsequently classified at the Vrindaban Research Institute using a card-index system."
General Note:
Kshir Sagar Kund (Kśīr Sagār) is also known as Balabhadra Kund (Balabhadra Kuṇḍ)

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
SB 5.28 ( IAVRI Number )