Sāṃjhī made from cow dung and pebbles on the wall of a village house

Material Information

Sāṃjhī made from cow dung and pebbles on the wall of a village house
Series Title:
ब्रज में उत्सव: सांझी और टेसू
Alternate Title:
गांव के घर की दीवार पर गोबर और कंकड़ों से बनायी गयी सांझी
Place of Publication:
वृंदावन, भारत
Vrindavan, India
वृन्दावन शोध संस्थान
International Association of the Vrindaban Research Institute
Publication Date:


General Note:
The IAVRI catalogue places this image in Bati
General Note:
IAVRI series: Festivals in Braj : Sāṃjhī and Ṭesū
General Note:
IAVRI series: ब्रज में उत्सव: सांझी और टेसू
General Note:
1 colour slide
General Note:
During the dark half of the month of Āśvina (especially from ekādaśī to amāvasya) designs in coloured powders, renewed daily, are made in some temples and houses. Also at this time boys with models of Ṭesū, and girls with Jhāṃjhī (clay lamps), go from door to door singing songs and collecting money.
General Note:
"Between January 1976 and March 1978 over 4,500 photographs were taken and subsequently classified at the Vrindaban Research Institute using a card-index system."

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
FB 19.35 ( IAVRI Number )