Bostancı başı

Material Information

Bostancı başı official of the Sublime Porte
Series Title:
Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.)
Alternate Title:
Bostandji Bachi
Alternate Title:
بوستانجی باشی
Dalvimart, Octavian
Place of Publication:
William Miller
Publication Date:


This officer is the chief of the very numerous body of men, called Bostandjis, whose employment is much more extensive and various than their name imports, as it literally means “Gardeners.” Their number amounts to several thousands, and out of them is formed the body-guard of the Sultan. They superintend all his gardens and palaces, and always accompany him in his sea excursions. They are, indeed, most excellent rowers, and are always employed as such in the Sultan’s caique, or barge, which is steered by the Bostandji Bachi. -- This officer possesses considerable power. Besides having such a multitude of men under his command, he exercises his authority over all the police of the capital, and on the water as far as the entrance to the Black Sea. He has also the civil jurisdiction of the Seraglio. The Bostandjis are all Mussulmen, they receive considerable pay, and are almost all married. -- Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.) ( en )
General Note:
1 colour slide
General Note:
Beyoğlu is the Turkish name for the Istanbul suburb or Pera

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
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All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.