Haseki Kadın

Material Information

Haseki Kadın responsible for order in the Sultan’s Harem
Series Title:
Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.)
Alternate Title:
Attendant of the harem of the Grand Signior
Dalvimart, Octavian
Place of Publication:
William Miller
Publication Date:


Within the walls of the Seraglio, and especially within that part called the Harem, which is set apart for the females attached to the Sultan, no small degree of authority is necessary to keep good order and prevent quarrels, particularly when great numbers of females are confined to one spot, without any one object but to decorate their persons, and to endeavour to please their sublime master. The business of the lady, who is the subject of this plate, is to preserve such order, and to punish the Odalisks, so called to distinguish them from the favourites of the Sultan, as will be mentioned in the last plate of this work. -- Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.) ( en )
General Note:
1 colour slide
General Note:
Beyoğlu is the Turkish name for the Istanbul suburb or Pera

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.