Kapudan Paşa

Material Information

Kapudan Paşa admiral of the Turkish Navy
Series Title:
Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.)
Alternate Title:
Captain Pasha
Alternate Title:
قپودان پاشا‎
Dalvimart, Octavian
Place of Publication:
William Miller
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Asia -- Turkey -- Istanbul
Asya -- Türkiye -- İstanbul
Avrupa -- Türkiye -- İstanbul -- Beyoğlu
Admirals ( LCSH )
Navies -- Officers ( LCSH )
قپودان پاشا‎
Pictorial works
National costumes
Spatial Coverage:
Europe -- Turkey -- Istanbul -- Beyoğlu
41.036944 x 28.9775


This officer is the high-admiral, and has the supreme command of the Turkish navy. Until the appointment of the present officer their marine was in a most wretched state from the end of the war with Russia, but has lately been very much improved. Europeans superintend the building of ships. The Captain Pasha goes every spring into the Archipelago to receive the capitation-tax from the different islands, and to free the sea from pirates, but as it always is on a fixed day, the latter part is quite useless. The present High Admiral enjoys the unbounded confidence of the Sultan, whose slave he originally was. His authority and power are very extensive, as he has the appointment of every thing relative to the navy and arsenals. And under his management the Turkish navy has been very much improved. The Turks, however, dislike the sea service, and therefore as many Greeks as they can get are employed, who indeed make better sailors. -- Costume of Turkey (Dalvimart, Octavian. London : Printed by William Miller, 1802.) ( en )
General Note:
1 colour slide
General Note:
Beyoğlu is the Turkish name for the Istanbul suburb or Pera

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS, University of London
Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.