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“...INDEX. Page NORTH CHINA. Famine Relief. J. Hinds... ... ... 15 ,, „ F. B. Turner........... 21 A Mission in Lading. J. Hinds... ... 27 Washermen’s Circular ... ... ... 32 Story of Chu Chia. Jessie Esam ... 33 Peking Medical College. E. R. Embree 48 Brigands in Shantung. D. V. Godfrey 74 Our Continued Call. W. O. Smith ... 8(5 Christmas in Tong Shan. J. Hinds ... 94 Education. J. Hinds ......... ... 115 A Message from Chu Chia. D. V. Godfrey ... ... ... ... ... 132 Annual Meeting. D. V. Godfrey ... 133 The Menace of Unsaved China. F. B. Turner ... ... ... ... ... 143 S O U T11 -E A ST CIII NA. The Rev. G. W. Sheppard. J. E. S. ... 24 Precious Seed. T. M. Gauge ... ... 149 Farewell Message. F. B. Turner ... 226 Typhoon in Wenchow. J.E.S. 209, 230 SOUTH-WEST CHINA. First native doctor. F. J. Dymond ... 1(5 Miao-land, 1921. W. FI. Hudspeth ... 29 Miss Squire and Miss Lee... ... ... 46 Wild Doings in Tong Chuan. C. N. Mylne ... ... ... ... ... 47 Meeting the Deputation. C. N. Mylne 81 A Visit...”

“...Schweitzer ... 113 Yao ji shung (Wenchow) ... ... 149 Miss Fanny Ashworth ... 155 Mr. and Mrs. Evans, and Pearl ... 178 Rev. A. A. Conibear ... 189 Mrs. J. A. Dobson (The Late) ... 198 OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS. NORTH CHINA. Hungry Bairns ... 15 Famine Committee ... ... 15 Famine Relief . . ... 21 Destitute Man . 23 Women of Chu Chia ... 33 A City Gate at Peking ... ... 48 Women’s Bible School ... 68 Dispensary at Yung Ping Fu . 87 Swallow River Camp • ... ... 143 Meeting Deputation at Chu Chia ... 201 Page Meeting of Executive ... ... ... 203 Inn Where Deputation Slept .........205 SOUTH-EAST CHINA. Confucian Hall ......... ........... 7 Altar of Confucius ... ... ... ... 56 A Temple of Wenchow ................141 Christ with a Chinese Face .........145 SOUTH-WEST CHINA. Dr. Wang K’ai Chee ... ... ... 16 Boys’ School, Stone Gateway......... 29 Children at Stone Gateway ... ... 36 How They Meet a Missionary ... ... 51 City Shop Street ... ... 61 A Gorge in the Yangtze-Kiang........”

“...moment in our history are critical. Shall we falter in our reply to the call from China and from Africa, or shall we seek to overtake our task with renewed energy? The success of yesterday intensifies the obligations of to-day on every field. We dare not turn back. God has entrusted us with this solemn but glorious mission. The Master’s command is in the call of the multitude. The Master’s command is urgent, for the opportunity passes and will pass. The conversion of the world' is the business of His Church. Whatever else we do, if we fail in this, we fail in the one thing that can justify our exist- ence. Let us consecrate ourselves. “Those who have talent give talent ; those who have wealth give wealth ; those who have both give both,” that our Church may render the best service pos- sible at home and abroad to the noblest 'cause that ever called for the help of man. Our work in the world. I.—North China. In the provinces of Chihli and hantung, in what we may call the hinese continent...”

“...Vancouver. It has long been the desire of our Committee for Dr. and Mrs. Plummer to return to the service of our mission in China. We were glad to find that the same desire dwelt in their hearts, and that the improved health of Dr. Plum- mer made it possible for him to entertain the proposal. While the attachments of the doctor are with Wenchow, where he would be happy to associate himself with Dr. Stedeford in conducting our exten- sive medical mission, he listened very sympathetically to the special need for a doctor in North China to take up the work which fell from the hands of Dr. Smith. Ultimately he consented to serve in either of these fields, and to go to China as soon as he can dispose of his present practice and settle up his affairs at Vancouver. We are deeply gratified with this result and anticipate with much pleasure the return of Dr. Plummer to our China Mission. A School of In Vancouver, Dr. Plum- Missions. mer has been a member of the First Baptist Church, to which he was...”

“...dawning. My times are in Thy hand. God bless our native land. Jan. 1. New Year with the deputation in China. In Yunnan province.* Acts 17 : 14-30. Jan. 8. The task for 1922. The Presi- dent. Home, Rev. T. Sunderland. P. 15 in report. Psalm 92. ’ We are thankful to learn, from a cablegram received in Bristol from Mr. and Mrs. Butler, that the Deputation reached Yunnan Fu on December 10th. Jan. 15. The task for 1922. The Presi- dent, see p. 1. Foreign. Rev. C. Stede- ford, p. fi. Mai. 1, 11 : 3, 1—3 ; 3, 10. Jan. 22. Peking Theological work. Rev. G. T. Candlin, D.D. P. 18, 19. John 8 : 12-27 Jan. 29. East Africa—Meru district. Rev. R. T. Worthington. Pp. 56, 57. Psalm 80. NOTABLE DATES. Jan. 3. China Inland Mission founded 1860. Jan. 5. Robert Morrison born, 1782. Jan. 15. Robert Morrison died, 1872. Jan. 29. James Chalmers sailed for the South Seas, 1866. Jan. 31. Robert Morrison sailed for China, 1807. 5...”

“...Heywood hints that he might name it “The Banner of the King.” But apart from its. title, what a book it is ! A kind of continuation of the Acts of the Apostles. The very names kindle the imagination. Who that reads does not wish to see Cedar Creek and Jade Ring Island, and spend melodious days making the rounds of Clear Music Circuit until he comes at last to the circuit of Auspicious Peace? The light of romance and adven- ture g'leams on page after page ; it flashes Rev. F. B. Turner. North China, 1887-- Rev. R. H. B. SHAPLAND. on you in a tale of a midnight attack or a house, the kidnapping of a girl, the dis- guised soldiers, the robbers’ haunt, the attack at dawn, the rescue. What would not R.L.S. have made of it! Or there is the graphic picture from a lady’s pen of a mountain side at close of day with a stretch high up of level land and along- the edge thirteen “tables ” set. Each was a circle of wild looking men sit- ting on the ground with a fire in their midst, and hunched up under...”

“...immediately neces- sary than at this moment. And, again, from Yunnan : A glorious, a wonderful opportunity is ours to evangelise a whole tribe. If the work is not undertaken by us we scarcely know by whom it can be done. We have the trained Miao helpers, but we need the money and missionary to superintend the work. A second Miao movement is at our door; it is insistently calling to us, nay more, it is press- ing right in upon us, it is literally taking us by storm. Or listen to this from North China from the midst of a great famine area : The people see what is being done for the destitute villages at our chapel premises crowd the compound for worship Sunday by Sunday. The 150 candidates reported there are but a fraction of those asking to be regis- tered as catechumens. If in the face of such opportunities men are held back by the burden of work or by financial shortage or by fewness of helpers, the result can be nothing but dis- satisfaction and gloom of mind. When we think of the huge...”

“...Century ” for October, on “Drink, and a C3 population.” But here he has a bitter fling at the Temperance party, impeaching its true motive and accusing it of a lack of self-sacrifice. Hence he speaks of “the lack of success of the Temperance movement.” Both accusa- tion and statement reveal ignorance. But he is in earnest about a C3 people, and ultimately admits practically that other people have an anxiety equal to his own. Stimulating ! As a set-off let us note “The Moving of the Waters in China,” in “The Con- temporary Review ” for the same month. This remarkable article is by a Chinaman —M. T. Z. Tyau. As a finger-point to other progress, let us see what he says about Education. “ Eleven years ago one out of every 400 people in the Empire received public education.: there were 42,000 schools, and 1,000,000 students. At the end of 1919 the proportion has been reduced to 1 in 80, viz., 41 millions of pupils in 134,000 schools. There are also 740 libraries, 2,700 lecture-halls, 1,727 reading...”

“...considered together, the educational proportion would be one in fifty. “ The spirit of the League of Nations being in harmony with the spirit of the Chinese people, the Republic has be- come a member of the League. “We have no space to discuss our new international attitude, but the in- clusion of China in the Washington Conference is a welcome reminder of the fact that its 400,000,000 people are sound and virile.” The Desire of all Nations. We regret that two errors crept into p. 227 last month. It was stated that the S.P.C. K. picture was Is. : it should have been Is. 6d., and that the lesson sheet was Id. : the price is 2d. Rev. G. W. Sheppard. Our esteemed friend sails alone for Ningpo, China, on January 6th, by the s.s. “City of Simla.” Mrs. Sheppard and their four children remain at home this time because of the education of the latter. Competition. We regret to report that the request for missionary exercises has elicited only one response. The essays were to be in by December 1st...”

“...workers at home as well as abroad, in that it points to the source of our only sure hope and strength and reminds us that “the greatest service we can render to the world is to keep our hearts open to God,” that “we must renew our souls in communion with God who is our life,” and then “return to the world to apply to all its life the new knowledge we have gained of God.” The book closes with a helpful series of short but instructive appendices on such subjects as the religions of India, Africa and China, the study of language, the preservation of health, and even the prosaic but important matter of account keeping and business method, each being written by one specially qualified to deal with his own subject. A useful biblio- graphy is given in connection with each chapter, and with most of the appendices, and a list of selected articles from the “International Review of Missions” is added. Altogether a wonderfully large amount of extremely valuable information is compressed into the 164 pages...”

“...“ A Man that Hath Friends . . Our first Native Doctor in West China. Rev. F. J. DYMOND. We have just had the great pleasure of welcoming Dr. Wang, the first student from Chaotong to take his medical degree at the Union University, Ch’eng-tu. I enclose his photo ; we hope we may see it in the Echo. I will make a few extracts from a letter, and the West China Missionary news. The Rev. J. L. Stewart, D.D., of the Canadian Methodist Church, writes : " Allow me to congratulate you and your mission on young Dr. Wang. He is a splendid Chrstian chap. Hope he reaches you safely to serve long. ’ ’ “The Christian doctor ” was well repre- sented by Dr. Wang-K’ai-chee, who has just graduated in medicine, and brought to his subject a great enthusiasm that was certainly contagious. Many students wanted to be doctors, after hearing this address. ” Dr. Wang K’ai-chee gave four splendid talks on health problems. He was many years under Rev. C. E. Hicks’ tuition. His success is most gratifying to us all....”

“...An Incident from “ China and Modern Medicine ” Poe Chi' has recently been sent to the American Baptist Training School at Ningpo—staffed by lady graduates from American colleges—to take her diploma as a teacher, and also to study English and music. Funds are in hand to carry her through perhaps two years, but £50 more is required for her to complete the full course. Mrs. Stobie, writing to Mrs. Butler, makes an urgent appeal for this sum, to be given by some of our wealthier workers at home, so that the general working funds of the school may not be hampered, nor the girls’ educational course shortened. Some mother, perhaps, has lost her daughter, whom God has called to the Home land, where college fees are un- necessary. Will you give Poe Chi' a chance in memory of your own precious pearl? Or perhaps your daughter is hap- pily settled in her own home or in some congenial sphere of work. Will you give £50, or a part, as a special thank-offer- ing? If ten mothers give £5 each, we have the...”

“...Flood and Famine Rev in North. China. F. B. TURNER. GHINA suffers constantly from severe and widespread floods : these are not to be regarded, as some would have it, as the visitation of Heaven ; they are rather to be attributed to the indiffer- ence of the rulers, and their determination to fill their private purses : for Govern- ment funds have constantly been allotted for measures towards prevention of floods, but a mere fraction has been spent by local officials in conservation of rivers, the balance going to enrich these mandarins. Rivers must travel far to reach the sea : through the denudation of hillsides of their forests and undergrowth by the people, under the venial connivance of officials, the very soil of mountain sides is 1 carried down by heavy rains : whole ranges of hills are reduced to bare rock, and river beds have filled with silt. In- stead of honestly dredging these, the offi- cials have allowed the beds to rise ; and have merely piled up low mud banks, which in normal...”

“...Flood and Famine in North China flooding hundreds of thousands of square miles of country. Villages of mud huts collapse in the rising waters : small stores of food laid by are lost, crops are laid level with the ground, and great numbers of people are drowned or are driven from their homes. We experienced such a vast flood in 1917* when scores of thousands of refugees crowded into Tientsin seeking shelter and sustenance. The British community (as always) rose to the occasion and commissioned some of us to erect a British Relief Camp of huts to house as many refugees as pos- sible. We took them in and housed and warmed and clothed and fed them till the spring when the flood had subsided, and we were able to send the people, each with a present of money, back to their homes (or, rather, to the sites of their homes). When we broke up the camp we had lost by death only two of the refugees, in spite of the deadly three months’ frost of our North China winter. Indeed, we really gained “on balance...”

“...Flood and Famine in North China •writer in the work of the Distribution Board or in the local relief schemes which it furthered, four have lately passed away, Rev. Pere Duquesne, S.J., of the Catholic Mission, Tientsin ; Mr. Frank Fearon, of Tientsin; Dr. Norman P.rescott, of the L.M.S., and our own Dr. G. Purves Smith. They gave themselves : “their works do follow them ” : it was worth while dying in so great a cause. It is something to have lived for—to have had a leading hand in saving a million people from death. Alas, many were beyond our reach, and one could tell heart-rending tales of homes swept bare, of scattered families, of wives and daugh- ters sold to a life of shame, even of can- nibalism, to such straits were these wretched people •driven. One’s correspond- ence in several lan- guages was im- mense, and was daily so full of sad- ness that, had one not steeled oneself to go through with this task, one would have been broken up with overwhelming emo- tion as appeals were received...”

“...appoint- ment the judgement of representative men of other Missions should be sought. This was done, and there was no dissentient The EDITOR. voice. The matter was then considered by the China Committee of the Bible Society in London, which Committee, after an interview with Mr. Sheppard, unani- mously recomended to the General Com- mittee that he be appointed as Dr. Bond- field’s successor. The General Committee, in its turn, unanimously confirmed the appointment: Dr. J. H. Ritson, the senior secretary of the Bible Society in England—himself a Wesleyan Methodist minister—has com- municated with our Connexional officials asking that Mr. Sheppard may be released for this work. He says : “ I need not en- large upon the importance of the appointment. To my mind it is the biggest sphere any man could fill in China, and Mr. Sheppard will be able to help his Church in his new conditions. We earnestly hope your Committee will agree to the ap- pointment. T h e work is so im- portant to all the Churches...”

“...five. Eternal Lord of earth and skies. Feb. 5.—West Africa. Rev. W. S. Micklethwaite. Page 58 in Report. Ezek. 36 : 1-7. Feb. 12.—For our missionaries at sea in February and March. Mark 4 : 26-41. Feb. 19.—North China. Lading Cir- cuit. Rev. D. V. Godfrey. Pp. 19, 20. Ezek. 36 : 21-38. Feb. 26.—Wenchow College, and its work. Mr. T. W. Chapman, M.Sc. Pp. 37, 38. Ezek. 34 : 20-31. NOTABLE DATES. Feb. 6. Adoniram Judson, ordained 1812. Feb. 8. A. M. Mackay died 1890. Feb. 10. James Gilmour ordained, 187(1. Feb. 12. Alexander Duff died, 1878. Feb. 18. Henry Martyn died, 1781. Feb. 19. Judson sailed for India, 1812. Feb. 20. Chalmers (L.M.S.) sailed for China, 1852. Our work in the world. II.—South-East China. In the province of Chekiang, near the east coast of the great country of China, we have Churches ... 321 Missionaries 8 Chinese ministers... ... 414 Adult members ... 5367 Junior members ... ... 3372 Members on Trial ... 6136 Total baptized adults ... 9487 Sunday Schools 66 Teachers 61...”

“...A Protestant Mission in Laoling, North China this opportunity to the full. They would therefore beg earnestly for the sympathy and prayers of the readers of this maga- zine for their work. In particular, they would ask that on Sunday, February 26th, special prayer should be offered in Church and at home for the winning of students for Christ and His service. This day, in accordance with the practice of many years, has been set apart by the World’s Student Christian Federation as a Universal Day of Prayer for Students, and will be observed throughout the world. Copies of the official Call to Prayer, and further information will gladly be sent to anyone who will apply for it, to the General Secretary, “ Annan- dale,” North End Road, London, M.W.ll. Let us Pray— O Thou who dost call men and women to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to' all nations, grant Thy strengthening grace to all who have responded to Thy call. Give us vision to see the greatness of our service, and humility to see...”

“...The feature of the special number is Ten years’ selected Missionary Biblio- graphy, most carefully compiled, as we have tested in several instances. The index to the index contains no less than 678 authors. Grist’s “Life of Pollard” is duly noted for 1920, p. 52, and Soothill’s “Three Religions of China ” is carefully marked “out of print.” The publishers only announced this exhaustion in Sep- tember last. Those who are not careful students of Missions will wonder when we say there are 41 pages of this remarkable bibliography. We welcome it most heartily. The very fact is an inspiration and for reference it is invaluable. The review itself opens with a careful survey of “The last ten years in China,” by the Rev. A. L. Warnshuis, one of the secretaries of the International Missionary Council. This is well followed by a charming description of the last meeting of the said Council (Lake Mohonk, New York State) in October. The first was in June, 1920, at Crans, Geneva. We shall hear more...”

“...others, but it will be new to him. Modesty is doubtless a very beautiful virtue, but it frequently gets left out in the cold, on the score that those who don’t ask don’t get. Having seen occasional notices that the W. M.A. sometimes deals in hospital supplies, I thought that I would speak for Tong Chuan. A parcel of bandages, etc., from home would not only be mightily useful, but would let our young doctor see that there are friends prepared to back him up. The terrible understaffing of West China has badly mangled the work here. Where there have been upwards of sixty- girls, I cannot now muster half a dozen. J8 * See Jan., p. 16.—En....”