- Permanent Link:
- https://digital.soas.ac.uk/AA00001691/00001
- General Note:
- Religious Affiliation: Jaina, Śvetāmbara, Mūrtipūjaka, Vīratara Gaccha
- General Note:
- Year of Composition: Vi.Saṃ. 1687 = 1630
- General Note:
- VIAF (name authority) : Sheth, Kalpana K. : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/305275650
- General Note:
- VIAF (name authority) : Flügel, Peter 1959- : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/5224239
- Funding:
- Funded in part by a British Academy / Leverhulme Trust grant (grant number SG152131) entitled "Literary Heritage of the Aniconic Jaina Tradition"
- Funding:
- Also funded in part by Dr. Peter Flügel and SOAS University of London
- General Note:
- "Literary Heritage of the Aniconic Jaina Tradition" collects, transliterates and publishes important, yet unstudied manuscripts pertaining to the history, doctrine and religious culture of the Lonkagaccha Jaina traditions in India. A comprehensive survey of the heritage of this historically influential tradition is an urgent, yet to be accomplished task. The Lonkagaccha is an aniconic religious tradition that emerged and flourished in the 15th and 16th centuries. It had a significant impact on the religious and social history of Jainism, but declined from the 18th century onward. Today it is on the verge of extinction, while the aniconic Sthanakavasi and Terapanth traditions, which branched off the Lonkagaccha lineages in the 17th and 18th centuries, continue to thrive.
- General Note:
- Loṅkāgaccha is sometimes transliterated as Luṅkāgaccha; it is also known as the Lumpaka sect
- Citation/Reference:
- General Information on the collection: Nalini Balbir. “The Cambridge Jain Manuscripts: Provenances, Highlights, Colophons”. Indic Manuscript Cultures through the Ages. Edited by Vincenzo Vergiani, Daniele Cuneo and Camillo Alessio Formigatti, 47–76. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017. (https://www.degruyter.com/view/book/9783110543100/10.1515/9783110543100-003.xml last referenced on 2020 May 27)
- Citation/Reference:
- Bendall read “Vīratara-gaccha” as “Kharatara-gaccha”: “Lumpāka-mata-kuṭṭana is the subscription of a short work (of Lumpāka- 21 leaves). Outside is written in a much later hand 'Lokāyata-kuṭṭana.' The Lumpāka mata was a school founded in Vikr. Saṃvat 1508 (A.D. 1461). See Dr Klatt in Ind. Antiq. XI. 25G (September 1882). The treatise is in the main a compilation from the Siddhānta or canon of the Çvetāmbaras and begins नत्वा श्रुतज्ञानमनंतभेदं | पारंगतं चेतसि सन्निधाय । सिद्धांत वाक्यानि करोमि सम्यक् | Its compilers belonged to the Kharatara-gaccha and wrote the work in Saṃvat 1687” (Bendall 1886: 63) -- Ref: Bendall, Cecil, 1856–1906 A journey of literary and archaeological research in Nepal and northern India, during the winter of 1884–5. Cambridge: University Press, 1886
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- Year of composition: (संवति मुनि सिद्धिरस श्वेताश्च- 1687 – श्र्वेत 1, रस 6, सिद्धि 8, मुनि 7 ) VS 1687
- General Note:
- The source document, written in Jaina Devanāgarī in black ink, held in the Cambridge University Library, extends to 21 ff. on paper, with folio height of 11 cm and width of 25.5 cm.
- General Note:
- Transcribed by Kalpana Sheth; and, edited by Peter Flügel
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- SOAS University of London
- Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.
- Resource Identifier:
- MS Add. 2224 ( Cambridge University Library manuscript number )