Report by Lydia Datt Pant, Almora [Uttar Pradesh]

Material Information

Report by Lydia Datt Pant, Almora [Uttar Pradesh]
Alternate Title:
Almora. Report of historical work by Dr. Lydia D. Pant.
Alternate Title:
1901. North India. Almora. Medical. Dr. Lydia D. Pant
Datt, Lydia
Pant, Lydia
Place of Publication:
[manuscript letter]
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
4 p


Subjects / Keywords:
Datt, Lydia
Pant, Lydia
Snehālaya (Almora, India)
London Missionary Hospital and Home
Mission to Lepers ( LCNAF )
Temporal Coverage:
19010101 - 19020211
Spatial Coverage:
Asia -- India -- Uttarakhand -- Almora -- Almora -- Snehalaya
एशिया -- भारत -- उत्तराखंड -- अल्मोड़ा -- अल्मोड़ा -- स्नेहालय


General Note:
The letter bears a typed coversheet with the incorrect date of 1901. The letter is dated 11.2.02.
General Note:
4 pages, including cover sheet. Letter pages are numbered 1 through 3.
General Note:
This report is for events of 1901, written on 11.2.02 (1902 February 02)
General Note:
Lydia Pant was also known by her maiden name Lydia Datt. Medical reports are signed Lydia Pant.
General Note:
The London Missionary Hospital and Home, housed the Mission to Lepers and later The Leprosy Mission, sometimes called the Asylum for Lepers, later became know as Snehalaya, a Hindi term meaning ‘a house of love’.
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Mission to Lepers : URI

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivative License. This license allows others to download this work and share them with others as long as they mention the author and link back to the author, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially.