Circular No. 372, Second Series.
Inspectorate General of Customs,
Peking, 28th April 1887.
In continuation of my Circular No. 366 :
Concerning Duty on Boiled Opium :
I have now to ins tract you. to send me a Repot t, with as little delay as possible,
embodying replies to the following queries :—
1°. What is tlie result of the boiling or preparing process on the various kinds
of Opium : does it increase the value while it decreases the weight ?
2O. 100 catties Raw Patna will produce liow many catties Boiled Patna ?
3°. 100 catties Raw Patna, Duty and Likin paid, are sold for Hk.Tts.........?
The same when Boiled, and weighing only..........catties, will sell for
4°. 100 catties Raw Mcdwa will boil into liow many catties ?
5°. 100 catties Raw Mahva, Duty and Liki.11 paid, sell for Hk.Tts...........?
Boiled, and weighing only..............catties, the same will sell for
6°. 100 catties Raw Benares will boil into liow many catties ?
7°. 100 catties Raw Benares, Duty and Likin paid, sell for Hk.Tts...........?
Boiled, and weighing only..............catties, the same will sell for
8°. Persian-----Turkish Opium : 100 catties Raw will boil into liow many
or 1 J
catties ?
Opium :
Crude and
Circular 372.
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