Your search within this document for 'schools' resulted in eight matching pages.

“...Chefoo Schools Association 1058 Avenue Road Toronto, Ontario, M5N 2C6...”

“...following years five of her six children were born and two are buried in Lanchow. In June 1927 on their way to the coast by raft down the Yellow River, Dr. King was drowned. Mrs King's youngest child, Irene Com fort was born the following October in Chefoo. In 1936 Mrs King returned to Chefoo z: help Miss Rice in the Girls' School. Later she relieved in the Housekeeping Department for Miss Williams and in 1942 went into Internment with her two daughters, Joy and Comfort as fid the rest of the schools. The sad news :f rhe death of her only son, Aurel, a pilot in t .e Royal Air Force, killed during the Battle of Britain in August 1940 followed not long after by the death of her daughter Dawn must have been hard blows. However, the only memories one can associate with Mrs. King are of her sweet and loving nature and her genuine interest in the people she had known. Her later years were spent in Tunbridge Wells with her two daughters until ill health made it necessary for her to go t: Corn ford...”

“...spent a day with her on our way up here. It was such -a happy day, and we hope to visit again. Margaret retired from a very responsible position in Sydney to this little country town where she has made friends, knows everybody and takes a very constructive interest in all civic A-- airs.’ Jty .Hayman)Hanselman: O.M.F. Bongabon, Oriental Mir.doro 4412, the Philippines; writes - 'Looking forward to getting back into translation agar?. after the season for Short Term Bible Schools, ke have a rough draft of Romans done to the end of adapter 6, also the first three chapters of I J: nr. (in the Buhid language). News of our boys in the U.S.A, is good, James is close to professional football, and John has joined the U.S. Javy. Ben graduates from High School in June. ’ Pe son: s e r. t for Me lb at 3 the Embe near Ruth Conn Ada, Cyri Ruth his Mrs c c at '79 Nunawading, ar-.., c G £ (245 Springvale Rd. Vic.3131; the end of last year, too late issue of the Chefoo Mag. 'The a Jhefoo Reunion was held...”

“...Margaret(Spence)Coop - 1930-38 (5773 Belmont Ave., Niagara Falls, Ont. L2H 1J8) (Feb.1980) 'We are all well and busy. Our 2nd daughter is teaching in the Dept, of Indian Affairs in Tuktoyuktuki, N.W.T., and she is finding it a real challenge. Two of our sons are in the 1 business with us. My stepmother is back in Hong Kong, helping with the churches and church schools, although officially retired.' William Cornwell - 1898-1907 (Blairstown, N.J. 07825.) 'When my parents died within 4 days of each other in Chefoo in August 1909 they left 7 children. I, the oldest, at the time was 16, the youngest was a daughter of 2 years. There were 3 boys and 4 girls, all but one now living. By marriages and births the family has now increased to 90 - how's that?' Eric J. Cox - (Associate Member - parent) (314 College Ave., Elizabethtown, PA 17022) (Jan.1980) Our son John(Chefoo,Malaysia 1952/6) is now teaching at Hope College, Holland, Michigan, in the English Dept. Our son David -Chefoo, Malaysia 1962-8...”

“...little fellow but quite wiry. (Correction - The Long Run was from the Black Dragon Temple - i.e. "The Monastgjy^' Jennifer Dunn - 1955-58 (653A Northmount Dr. N.W., Calgary, Alta. T2K 3J7) returned to her home in Canada, after 2 years teaching at Chefoo School, Nanae, Japan, just 3 days before Christmas. She has been doing some relief teaching in Calgary under both the Public School Board, and the Separate School (Roman Catholic) Board. She writes 'I've appreciated the discipline in the Separate Schools, and also my education has been broadened - going to mass, learning more about Lent and the Stations of the Cross, hearing 'Hail Mary's'. Every morning early finds me waiting for a phone call, telling me which school I'm to be at for the day. Sometimes I get no call. Sometimes it's just for the morning. Sometimes I get a call from both school boards(I take the first one and contact the other to let them know I'm busy for the day). It keeps life 36...”

“...Audrey(Nordmo)Horton - 1940-45 (Bolte Postal 13037, Delmas, Haiti.) 1979 brought many victories, 6 new churches and schools started in heavy voodoo areas. In spite of obstacles we are seeing the work go forward and the believers strengthened. Another son (Philip) has left home to enroll at Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga. He pleased us all by preach ing in Creole before he left. Our daughter Valerie has become good friends with 2 Catholic girls whose father is a secretary to the President. They sometimes attend our church here. We are still very interested in Sunday School teaching pictures and flannelgraph sets with the teaching manual for our churches and schools Fronts from Christmas card and greeting cards are still appreciated. Please send all packages in care of: Mahlon D. Horton, (Haiti) Missionary Flights Inc., Box 15665, W.Palm Beach FL 33406. Letters may also be sent there. Dr. Bill Hunt - 1909-13 (2367 C Via Mariposa E. Laguna Hills, CA 92653) (Mar.1980) Last September...”

“...sister Mary we received a clipping from the Calgary Herald of March 8, 1980, headed 'Cathie Nicoll going strong after 50 years of service! 50 years with the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship and, says the Herald staff writer who interviewed her, 'she still maintains a high ddgree of stamina and enthusiasm ::r her job. She played an active part in the foundation of the Canadian contingent of 'Inter varsity', and helped to establish Christian Fellowship groups within secondary and postsecondary schools throughout Canada. She has worked in every province in Canada, except Newfoundland, and in her travels she has touched and been touched by the lives of many people. With a smile she explains, 'I still find the work refreshing and regarding. The people are always different, and you find yourself meeting young people, time and again, whose parents you once knew from Pioneer Camp or the Intervarsity group. Times have changed but kids are still in need of understanding.' She is one of the rare breed...”

“...furlough from Thailand W.B.T.) can't wait to have them get here. Rhoda and her husband Edward Tripp are fine. Edward Torjesen - 1939-40: (P.O. Box 57, 4580 Lyngdal, Norway) left with his wife in Feb.'8C for a new appointment with The Evangelical Alliance Mission in Northern Europe. From Feb.28 to April 25'they were to take an intensive German course at Goethe Institute, Gottingen, Germany. After which they would begin the work of contacting, visiting and building relations with different Bible Schools, student & youth organizations, mission boards and churches, in a multi-cultural and international missionary ministry, particularly in Germany & Holland. They value the prayers of their friends in these efforts. Reginald Ungern-1921~1925-.C25. Lowergate Ct. , Owings Mills, MD 21117) sends us this 14—character Chinese saying:- 'Ih ts'uen kuang yin , ih ts'uen chin, ts'uen chin nan mai ts'uen kuang yin. ' (If you need to, write and ask him for the translation! - Ed.) 56...”