Your search within this document for 'association' resulted in three matching pages.

“...PRESIDENT Mr. H. F. Joyce VICE PRESIDENTS Miss E. M. Broomhall Mr. Carrington Goodrich Mr. S. Gordon Martin IN MEMORIAM Ellen Fishe David Hanna May Harding TO THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF EACH OF THE ABOVE, THE ASSOCIATION EXTENDS SYMPATHY...”

“...January." The members of the G.B. Branch will be interested to know that the gifts for the children of the present "Chefoo" which they so kindly sent, in addition to their annual subscription in 1975, amounted to over one hundred pounds sterling. This was sent to O.M.F. Headquarters in London and the following is an extract from the letter of the Secretary - Mr. Guy Longley. 'It was a very great thrill to receive the generous donation of one hundred pounds sterling from the Chefoo Schools Association, especially earmarked for the (21)...”

“...JOSEPH R. DUNLAP - 1920-1927 420 Riverside Dr., #12 C, New York, N.Y.10025 Aug.1976 - A busy year devoted in large part to the William Morris Society-and as secretary of the American Printing History Association, as well as keeping an eye on an active three year old which keeps one on his toes and this prevents over long sessions at one's desk. In the summer of 1975 we enjoyed a trip through Wales, and in March '76 we had a brief trip to London so my wife could read a paper to the Charlotte M. Yonge Society and I could catch up on some Wm. Morris Society matters. When I attended the 40th anniversary of my graduation from Wooster College I saw RUTH(WHITTLESEY)SPENCER, MARGARET WELLS and BEATRICE(BROWN)WYLIE and her father. Margaret's family and the Browne family had occupied the same house on Temple Hill in different decades yet had never met, so at long last I introduced them to each other. Earlier in the spring we enjoyed visiting IDA PRUITT in Philadelphia, and were interested in hearing...”