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“...She enjoys the fine music (and good sermons) at the Priory there, and teaches in Sunday School. She lives near relatives of Rosie, DOUGLAS SADLER’S wife, and is looking forward to having them on leave from Kuala Lumpur, where they work with O.M.F.
As for me (CONTIE STARK) I am enjoying more leisurely living too, in spite of a few physical limitations which prevent travelling about much. It is lovely having visitors, and I sometimes find time to paint, in between church work and residents’ association commitments.
My flat is within 5 or 6 miles of the link roads connecting the M.l, M.5 and M.6, so any Chefusians travelling across country and wanting a break from motorway driving would be most welcome (easy instructions and a local street map supplied on request!)
Sutton Coldfield Car Rail Station is only a mile or so away and ideal for sleeping the journey to Scotland in comfort, so please make use of me for further respite.
If any of these items are of interest (and not too out of date...”
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“...the last twelve years. My husband is an ophthalmologist, and builds boats as one of his hobbies. We have a married son, Gordon, who has two boys; also we have two daughters, Heather and Janet. They all live and work in Toronto. We are members of Murray St. Baptist Church and endeavour to use our training in His work there.”
GRACE SEAMAN, Chefoo 1935-45, Apt. 16, 82 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, Ont. Canada, writes: “MAIDA (HARRIS) CAMPBELL and I had a pleasant reunion at the Canadian Nurses’ Association meetings in Fredericton, New Brunswick last June.”...”