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“...Newsletter No. 22.
Chefoo Schools Great Britain
Association % Branch.
From the Secretary.
Dear Members,
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all. Since our last issue we have been through dark days, and it is with thankfulness to God that we find ourselves able to express these good old-fashioned wishes and even to be publishing a C.S.A. Newsletter. Our occupations at this time might have been something very different.
As this is called a Newsletter I think we might as well start with a letter for a change, and I hope our readers will not mind.
In any case, I feel sure that they will thoroughly enjoy the rest of this excellent number, which, after much hard work, has been produced by our joint Editors, who wish to thank all who have so kindly helped them by sending in articles and items of news for publication. It is a special pleasure to include a very helpful article from our President.
Winter Reunion. This will take place, D.V., on Saturday, January 14th, from...”
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“...spent four weeks in Switzerland with friends this
GWEN HARRIS is teaching for a year at Goudhurst College.
DONALD HAY, after attending an O.T.C. Camp at Strensall, spent his holidays golfing and fishing in Scotland. He is taking the Naval Entrance Examination this month (November).
THEO HIRST has now qualified as an A.R.I.B.A. (Associate of the Royal Institute of British Architects), and is at present completing his evening studies for the Associate Membership of the Town Planning Association.
GODFREY and JOHN HIRST spent a pleasant fortnight last summer at Walton-on-Naze, Essex, where they enjoyed the company of Mr. and Mrs. John Green and family. GODFREY has passed the preliminary exam, for the Chartered Institute of Secretaries, and is now studying in the evenings for the Inter. JOHN is now in the fifth year of the Architectural Assn. School of Architecture, having taken most of his final exams. In the summer, Theo was an officer in St. Mary’s Camp at Monkton Combe.
DR. and MRS...”
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“...not at all well. Mr. Stooke says : ” Some may know my mother, who spent twenty-five years in Chefoo. She looks after me and, at eighty-six, is a most regular member of my congregation.”
ALISON STEWART is taking her Arts Degree this year.
JOHN H. THOMPSON has been working at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital for just over a year subsequent upon doing his preclinical work at Cambridge. He will probably have another one and a half to two years before qualifying. He is staying at the Medical Missionary Association at Highbury Park.
EVELYN TOONE had a grand time on holiday at Keswick this summer. “ After the Convention, we spent the next week walking and climbing, until we were flooded out the last day and took sixteen hours to get back to London.”
NORMAN TRAVERS. “ I am still at school in Tonbridge : I hope to leave next summer to enter a rather exciting life. I am going out to Rhodesia to farm for a year, then go into the Civil Service. I am in the 3rd XV. Rugger Team. I had rather a pleasant holiday...”
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Presidents :
Mr. & Mrs. F. McCarthy. Vice-Presidents :
Miss L. Biackmore. Mr. D. E. Hoste. Rev. W. H. Aldis.
Mr. F. H. Rhodes. Mr. H. G. Judd. Miss E. Rice.
And the Principals of the Chefoo Schools :
Mr. P. A. Bruce (Boys’ and Girls' Schools).
Miss A. Carr (Prep. Schoo/).
Mr. W. D. Mudditt,
Giendower, Grove Road. S. Woodford. London, E. 18.
Hon. Secretary :
Mr. H. F. Joyce,
Gwynear, 9 Hurst View Road, S. Croydon. (Cro. 5270). Hon. Treasurer :
Mr. B. B. Burnett,
59 Lenmore Avenue, Grays, Essex.
Joint Editors :
Miss D. W. Kirk,
Cathay, 205 Great North Way, Hendon, London, N.W. 4. (Hen. 8329.)
Mr. T. J. Hirst,
2 Canonbury Park North, London, N. I.
Miss G. Briscoe.
Miss W. G. Rouse. Miss E. J. Williamson. Mr. A. R. Parry.
Mr, J. M. Slimmon. Mr. J. S. Green.
Mr. C. Fairclough. Mr. J. B. Weller.
Scottish Secretary :
Mr. C. W. Fleischmann,
56 George Square, Edinburgh.
China Secretary :
Miss E. M. Broomhall,
C.I.M. Girls’ School...”