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“...Newsletter. No. 18.
MARCH, 1987
Chefoo Schools Great Britain
Association % Branch.
To every Chefusian, sundered by weary miles from the kindly shores of Yantaia, will come one day the question, from friendly stranger, curious acquaintance, or critical (possible) employer— “ And where were you at school ? ”
Youthful, and inexperienced, the Chefusian may answer simply, albeit with a little quiet pride, “ Chefoo.” If his hapless interlocutor is merely the friendly stranger, she (it almost certainly will be she) will probably think that Chefoo is one of those awful names like Cholmondeley, which she never could pronounce anyway, and wonder whether she dare ask to have it spelt. The critical employer will, however, rudely conclude that Chefusian is speaking with his mouth full, and state in no uncertain terms that, had this not been the case, it is possible that his answer might have conveyed some meaning, instead of sounding like the noise you make when you...”
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“...News for the next issue should reach her before June 5th. A prize of an Old Chefusian tie or pocket badge is offered again for the best article sent up for the July number.
Address Book for 1937. This is being sent to members of the Association with this issue of the Newsletter. We hope that it will prove useful. The list for the North American Branch will be issued in July.
The Membership of our Branch is now 347, and during the last twelve months we have enrolled no less than 65 new members. This is most encouraging. The Committee are anxious that the Association should be of real value to Old Chefusians, and are always glad to receive suggestions to this end. Wc wish members to help us by recruiting any Old Chefusians who have not joined the Association, and the Secretary will be pleased to supply the necessary literature on request. For the time being, all Old Chefusians, except those in N. America, are attached to our branch.
We would like to have more support from Old Chefusians who...”
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Presidents :
Mr. &■ Mjss. F. McCarthy;)
Vice-Presidents :
Miss L. BlackmoriL Rev. W. H.. Alms.
Mrs. Hayward. . Mr. F. H. Rhodes:
Mr. P. EVHqstk. .A' Mr. H. C. Judd.*
And the J Principals'of thy, Chefpo Schools :
Miss E. Rice [(■<>'.' School]..
Miss E: G. KsxixiN (A’«p. School). .
Mr.' P. A. Khvck [Boys’ School).
Mr. W. I) Mcdditt,
Glendower, Grove Road, S, Woodford, London, E. 18. Hon. Secretary & Editor :
Mr. H. F. Joyce,
wynear, !), Hurst View Road, S. Croydon (Cro. 5270).
Hon. Treasurer-: .
Mr. B. Burnett,
263, Rectory Road, Sockett’s Heath, Grays, Essex.
Assistant Editor :
Miss K King,
Westfield College, Hampstead,.London, NAV. 3.
Assist. Secretary :
• . Mr. W. F. Ollsen.
Miss H.’Kirk. Mr. J; M/Sli,mmon.
. Miss M. Harding. . Mr. T. j. Hirst.
. M-iss G, Briscoe. Mr. C. F.alrclougii.
Miss M. Gibson, Mr. R. Weller.
Scottish Secretary :
Mr. C. W. Fleischmann,
56, George Squire?. Edinburgh..
Chefoo Secretary :