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“...Newsletter. No. 16. JULY, 1936 Chefoo Schools Great Britain Association X Branch. This, our Summer number, reminds us that most of us have our holidays to which we can look forward. Unfortunately for many Chefusians, both past and present, the horizon is somewhat blurred by the unpleasant pastime of examinations. We trust that the examiners will do their share in making their holidays as enjoyable as we wish them. Here are a few Branch notices to which we draw the attention of our members. Our Committee. Gertrude Briscoe and Harold Ledgard are the two new members who have agreed to serve on the Committee this year as representatives of recent Old Chefusians. Summer Reunion. This is being held, as previously announced, on Saturday, July 4th. Once again we are to be the guests of our kind friends Mr. and Mrs. Millner Morris at their home in Reigate. Chefoo Week-End. We regret to announce that all our efforts to find a suitable place have been unsuccessful, and so, reluctantly, we have been...”

“...Summer Reunion as provided for under Branch Rule No. 8. Lists of Members. With this issue we are including the list of names and addresses of members in N. America as supplied by the local secretary. Our own Branch list was issued with the last Newsletter. These lists are published annually as provided for under the General Management Fund, and it is hoped that members find them useful. The total membership of our Branch, including Associate members, is now 310. Presentation Awards to Chefoo Schools. For many years past the C.S.A. has provided the tennis rackets which have been presented to the winning couple in the Foundation Day Tennis Tournament. It has been agreed with the authorities at Chefoo that a change should now be made in this arrangement. In future there will be a Tennis Singles Championship in both the B.S. and the G.S., and the C.S.A. will present to each winner a cup (suitably engraved) instead of a tennis racket. This Championship will be played apart from the Foundation...”

“...spirit is an essential factor. How has the spirit of the school been affected by this change ? Firstly, it has united and enlarged the interests of the Staff and students. It has broadened our views. It has crystallised our efforts—and a new spirit of co-operation and common interest prevails, which was unknown to the school while separated. Co-Tuition has enabled the pupils to benefit by a more varied range of teachers, and has brought to us (the pupils) many advantages impossible in the old schools. It has brought about a keener competition between the boys and the girls in work, resulting in a general improvement of scholastic attainment. Viewing the benefits in another light, I feel sure that there has been an improvement not only in work, but also a mutual improvement in the manners and personal appearance of the students, and for whatever reasons these changes have taken place, they are a decided advantage. We, the students, consider the co-operation, work, and general good-will of...”

“...Oxford results this year were up to the standard of former years. None were prevented from sitting through fear of failure ; of those who sat, only four failed, and there were a good many who received Honours’ standing both from among the boys and girls in the Junior and in the School Certificate divisions. The Bible still holds a central place in the curriculum and life of the schools. Scripture classes are regularly held. God is worshipped, and His Word read and proclaimed in the regular Sunday morning and evening services, and daily in morning and evening Prayers. All, from the youngest to the oldest, are encouraged in personal devotions both morning and evening. The boys attend in large numbers the voluntary meeting which they themselves hold each Wednesday night. A goodly number of boys and girls who have made a profession of their faith in Christ, attend the bi-weekly Communion service in the Prayer-Room. When Co-Tuition was started last year, the two mottoes of the Boys’ School and...”

“...last few months recuperating from her serious illness, was due to leave there on June 23rd. She has been longing to get back to normal life again. In Memoriam. Miss E. B. Harman. The news of her sudden death early in May came as a great shock to those of us who have been in touch with her in recent years. She had a great love for Chefoo and was a loyal member of the C.S.A. We shall greatly miss her valuable help in our Prayer Fellowship. Miss A. Slater is another retired member of the Chefoo Schools Staff who has received her Home-Call. The older generations of Old Chefusians to whom she was known at Chefoo will remember with thankfulness all that she did for them there. (Her death occurred last December, but we did not hear of it before the last issue of the Newsletter.—Ed.) N. AMERICA. Irene Griffith was married sometime ago to Dr. G. B. Sexton. They are living in Ottawa. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Lambert (nee Sheila Tull) on the birth of a daughter (Eileen Sylvia) on April 14th...”

“...CHEFOO SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION. Presidents : Mr. & Mrs. F. McCarthy. Vice-Presidents : Miss L. Blackmore. Rev. W. H. Alois. Mrs. Hayward. Rev. J. J. GOulthArd. Mr. D. E. Hoste. Mr. H. G. Judd. And the Principals of the Cheloo Schools : Miss E.Rice (Girls’ School)). Miss E. G. Kbndon (Prep. School). Mr. P. A. Bruce (Hoys' School). GREAT BRITAIN BRANCH COMMITTEE. Chairman : Mr. W. D. Mudditt, Glendower, Grove Road, S. Woodford, London, E, 18. Hon. Secretary & Editor : Mr. II. F, Joyce, Gwyncar, 9, Hurst View Road, S. Croydon. Hon. Treasurer : Me. B. Burnett, 263, Rectory Road, Sockett's Heath, Grays, Essex. News Editor : Miss D. Kirk, " Cathay,” Great North Way, Hendon, London, N.W. 4. Assist. Secretary : Mr. W. P. Olesen. Mrs. F. Houghton. Mr;. D. Landsborough. Miss-G. Price. Mr. J. M. Summon. Miss F. King. Mr. R. Weatherhead. Miss G. Briscoe. ' Mr. H, Ledgard. Scottish Secretary : Mr. B. C. Walker, 56, George Square, Edinburgh. Chefoo Secretary : \ Miss E. M. Broo'mhall, C.I.M. Girls’ School...”