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- .. Toronto, Oj^io^=^<
OCTOBER, 1909....”
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members of our Association, and their name is legion. Still, there are many more who have either not yet heard of the Association or who are still uncertain about joining, It is the duty of all members to enlighten the former, and enlist the latter.
Up to the present those who have contributed to the Magazine are comparatively few in number, and represent but a small proportion of those whose names are chronicled in its pages. We hope for better things in the near future, so that our Magazine may increase in size as well as circulation.
[IS does not convey much to those of us who (to go back no further) were of the Armstrong or Hunter regime, but let me tell you, it is a festival to conjure with in these days. We were used to an occasional musical evening and something in the nature of a
mild celebration on breaking-up day, but, let me whisper to you, we merely touched the outside fringe of a festivity as the present-day scholars understand it...”
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By a Member of Committee.
It may not be generally known by members and friends that since December last, this position has been most ably filled by the Association’s first Treasurer, E. S. Elliston.
In December A. B. Randle was compelled to resign owing to changing circumstances, and to the expectation of shortly joining his home people in Manchester. At this time, E. S. Elliston most kindly undertook to act as Secretary, and the great prosperity of the Association is a proof of his capability and enthusiasm.
Now, however, to our great regret, Elliston is leaving us for an appointment in Shanghai, and at our request Randle has taken up the position vacated, with a keen assistant in F. E. Parry. This has been possible owing to further and unexpected changes which forecast a prolonged stay in London for our first General Secretary.
We are confident that we spea.k for all in expressing our sincere thanks to E. S. Elliston for his work in connection with the Association, and...”
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Miss Burton, who has been in Toronto for some time, is now over in England for a trip.
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Sam Mills, after a brilliant career at College in Utli, now fills the worthy position of President of the ci Lafayetti College Musical Association.
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Wm. K. Bagnall took over the ownership of the S. and S. Bicycle Co., in Winnipeg, last November, and was hard at work when last heard from, getting things into good running order.
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At a quiet little wedding in Toronto, Oct. Sth, 1908, Kathleen Fishe was united in marriage to Mr. H. J. W. Naftel. The couple have settled down in Toronto, the home of the bridegroom’s family.
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Algie Thompson has recently left Boston, where he held a very good position with the New England Telegraph and Telephone Co. (an immense concern), to be a landed proprietor in Canada’s glorious west.
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Paul Golforth has had to retire into the “ solitudes ” for some considerable time, having seriously strained...”
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Alterations and Additions to Gist of Names and Addresses published on February 1st, 1909-
Members of the association are Indicated by an asterisk.
♦Belcher, John K., C/o Newington Green, N.
Burnett, Gertrude, 47, Boone Road, Shanghai, China.
♦Clarke, Samuel Tali, 5th Engineer, SS. “ Llandaura ” ♦Cranston, William, Mokanshan, Belmont Drive, Giffnock, near Glasgow. . ♦Elliston,’ E. S., C/o Messrs. J. D. Hutchinson & Co., 17, Pekin Rd., Shanghai. ♦Hartwell, Lottie (Mrs. Ufiord), C/o American Baptist Missionary Union, Shaohsing, Chehkiang, China.
♦Polhill, Douglas, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.
♦Polhill, Arthur H., R.N. H.M.S. Indomitable, Home Fleet.
♦Randle,’ Arnold B., 41, Derwent Grove, East Dulwich, S.E.
♦Talbot, Amy, 35, Madise Road, Kensington, W.
♦Talbot^ Dora, 35, Madise Road, Kensington, W.
List of North American Names and Addresses at present known to the Association.
♦Appenzeller, Alice, Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., U.S.A.
♦Bagnall, William K., 164, Edmonton Street...”