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“...Memorial Hall, Chefoo (In memory of Chefusians who died during World War 1) Many graduates of the Chefoo Schools in Business, the Medical, Teaching, Civil Service, and other professions have become well known in their own countries. Perhaps the most distinguished was Thornton Wilder, author of “The Bridge of San Luis Rey”, “Our Town”, “Theophilus North” etc. He was a faithful, contributing member of the Chefoo Schools Association! The “poems”, only of interest to Chefusians, were culled from previous issues of the Chefoo magazine. Special thanks are due to Eileen Bazire, Helen Hulse Fox, Gordon Martin and Saima Crofts Takken for their help in art work and music. Centennial Committee With the Chefoo Schools interned by the Japanese during World War 11, an “emergency” Prep School was started in “Free” China at Kiating, Szechwan, and later moved to Kalimpong, N. India. After the war, the Chefoo Schools had temporary accomodation at the H.Q. of the C.I.M. in Shanghai before moving to Ruling...”