West Indies.
1803 - 1615®
/3>cx~ CAjcaeU BMcJuaS C2 C-^^/dcxUc^gq. |
FIELD YGArJ's) JEST INDIES^ 1805 “ 1615. ™
Sheet 1.
Field. Name Date
1 Bermuda. P. Pallais. 15'th January 1803 c
2 Nevis. J« Taylor, . 8 th March 180'5 ♦
5 Bassettere. J. Taylor. 10th March 1803*
4 t o Christophers. J. Brownell. 11th May 1805*
5 Balance Sheet of Monies received by J. Taylor. 1802 - 1803.
6 Accounts for Mission in Dominica. May to Septen ber 1805*
7 Nevis. E. Turner* 7th Kay 1303*
8 Nevis. J. Taylor. 7th May‘160'5*
9 Dominica. R. Shepley* 21st May 1803,
10 Sto Vincent. J. Taylor* 51st Kay 1805*
11 Nevis. E. Turner. 11th .June 1805*
12 St. Vincent, S'. Taylor* 10th November 1805*
15 / An tigua. J. Baxter. 9th June 1805*
14 St. Vincent. J. Taylor* 16th January 1804*
15 New Providence. W\. parton* 22nd January I8O4,
16 Granadao S* Dent. 20th February 1604*
17 Kingston. V, Fish* 9th March 1804 *
18 Cutting from. Royal Gaze tte, Kingston. 11th March 1804*
19 Cash expended at Bassat tore, by J. b-ro?rnell. 1st April 1804*
20 St. Vincent. W. Sturgeon. 4th April 1804.
21 Sto Vincent. VI. Sturgeon. 4th April 1804.
22 St. Vincent. J. Taylor. 7th April 1304.
23 St. Vincent. J. Taylor. 7 th April 1.804*
24 Tortola. A. Murdoch* 14th April 1804*
25 Kingston. W. Fish* 26th April 1804*
26 West Indies. J. Stephenson • 27th April 1801.
27 Barbados. I. Bradrack. 30th April 1804.
28 Antigua. Sarah Moore. May 1804*
29 Antigua. Sarah Meore. May 1804*
30 Antigua. T. Pattison* 2nd May 1904*
51 Sto Johns. Eliz. Hart. 5th May 1804*
32 Leeward Islands. Pape rs printed by Committee>. 7th May 1804*
33 Kingston. Ws Fish. 11th May 1804*
34 St* Vincents. W* Sturgeon. 11th May 1804*
55 St. Vincents. W. Sturgeon. 11th May .1804,
56, Nevis. E. Turner. 18th May 1804.
57 Antugua. Anne Gilbert. 1st June 1804.
33 An tmgua. J. Baxter. ' 1 12th June 1804*
39 Antigua. R. Pattisson. i 13 th June 1304*
40 Antigua. R. Pattissen. J 15th June 1304a
41 Antigua. J. Baxter. i 14th June 1801.
42 Tortoja. J. Brownell* i 25th June 1804*.
43j Barbados. J. Bradr.ack, 29 th June 180'4,
44 St* Vincents. J. '■‘.'aylci’o 2nd July 1604.
45 St* Vincents. J. Taylor. 2nd July 180b»
46 Dominica. n. Shepley, * i 3rd July 1804.
47 u) fco 17.i v uS •,) A. Murdoch, I 1 12th July 1804.
48' St. Kitts. A. Murdoch* 12th July 1804♦
49 Kingston. ‘it r. N*. '.■ • . j j Ipth July 1804,
50j Kingston* VI. Fish. i 15th July 1804*
51| Kingston.. } T. Warren. i 14th July 1804.
• 55s
Browned 1
14 th
16 rh
18 th
July |