History of the Melanesian Mission

Material Information

History of the Melanesian Mission
Armstrong, E. S.
Place of Publication:
Isbister and Company Limited
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
xxviii, [372] p : ill., ports., fold. map ; 24 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Melanesian Mission -- History ( LCSH )
Missions -- Melanesia ( LCSH )
Missionaries -- Melanesia ( LCSH )
Melanesia -- Church history -- 19th century ( LCSH )
Temporal Coverage:
- 1900
Spatial Coverage:
Oceania -- Melanesia
-9 x 160


Scope and Content:
Contents: 1841-8 Melanesian diocese - 1849-52 Australian Board of Missions - 1853-6 J.C. Patteson - 11857-8 winter school Lifu - 1858-61 consecration of J.C. Patteson - 1861-2 Mota - 1863 peril, success - 1863-4 in Australin colonies - 1864 deaths of E. Nobbs, F. Young - 1865-66 3 forts - 1867 S. Barnabas, Norfolk Is. - 1868-9 labour trade in Melanesia - 1870 internal management of mission - 1871 bishop's last journey - 1871-2 Codrington head of mission - 1873 1st Melanesian priest - 1874 new Southern Cross - 1875 Codrington in islands - 1876 Selwyn's tour - 1871 consecration of J. R. Selwyn - 1877 way open to Santa Cruz - 1876 in Santa Cruz Is. - 1879 teachers' meeting at Mota; census - 1880 consecratio of S. Barnabas - 1881 justice in Floridas - 1882 ordination of C. Sapibuana - 1883 advance in Florida - 1184 memorial cross at Nukapu - 1885 C. Marau at Ulawa - J. Selwyn's visit to islands - 1887 retirement of Codrington - 1888 parliament of Floridas - 1889 baptism of Soga - 1890 illness of bishop - 1891 bishop leaves - 1892 visit of bishop of Tasmania - 1893 British Protectorate in Solomons - 1894 consecration of C. Wilson - 1895 S. Luke's, Siota - 1896 women's work - 1897 difficulties in Queensland - 1898 death of Bp John Selwyn - 1899 jubilee.
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Armstrong, E. S. : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/7492518

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This item is presumed to be in the public domain under the copyright legislation of the United Kingdom. The author's date of death, as required by U.K. law, cannot be fixed in a published reference. Users of this text should perform their own checks and exercise due diligence. IF YOU HAVE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS AUTHOR, WE WOULD LIKE TO HAVE MORE INFORMATION.
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ER1176 /611163 ( SOAS classmark )
CWML V114 ( SOAS classmark )
ER1177 /66779 ( SOAS classmark )
SCRR Ref.146 ( SOAS classmark )
218054 ( ALEPH )
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