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“...own missionaries and staff. Exhibitions have been arranged and history talks given in the library, in conjunction with the M.A.C., for parties of all ages from London and the provinces. Damaged journals and Board minutes have been tidied and re-boxed. Of the latter, seven volumes, badly damaged by damp in their dispersal homes, are partia’'y illegible and await transcription to save as much as possible. Five photostat copies of Livingstone letters have been presented to the Rhodes-Livingstone Museum in Northern Rhodesia, for which museum’s new handbook a chapter on Livingstone has been written. Half-way through the year the librarian was asked to help in the pre- paration of the Society’s History, in conjunction with the Rev. N. Goodall, and as much other work as possible has consequently been set aside. Personnel Tere have been a number of changes in the headquarters staff during the year. The Directors have said farewell to their loved and honoured Treasurer, Mr. R. A. Pilkington, j.p...”