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“...we ee. we 1,155 4 8 New Year’s Offering Expenses, Gift Books and Cards 894 1 11 Collecting Boxes and Books .. . oe we 280 3 6 Publications we oe oe 2° oe .. 3,204 16 3 —__————-_._ 8,731 12 8 GRANTS to Schools, Colleges and Associated Work :— Grants to Schools for Sons and Daughters of Missionaries 200 0 0 Grant to Carey Hall .. ws we os oe 166 8 0O Grant to Conference of British Missionary Societies 333 9 7 Grant to East and West Friendship Committee .. 80 0 0 Grant to Livingstone National Museum .. ws 150 0 0O Grant to Student Christian Movement ws ss 10 0 0 Grant to Nurses’ Missionary League oe . 5 0 0 Grant to Native Races and Liquor Traffic Committee 5 0 0 —_—_———_ 949 17 7 Expenses of Students and Candidates we oe 673 1 9 Examining Physician, Honorarium and Expenses... 212 16 11 —________-— 885 18 8 Superannuated Missionaries and Widows .. we 12,799 11 9 Total Expenditure wee £371,757 2 6...”