1 |
“...ee oe -» £100,888 13 3
7,905. Australasia, &. .. oe ee oe oe 8,191 110
6,161, Mission Stations oe ee oe ee 6,701 6 4
4,671. Dividends .. ee ee ee oe oe 4,051 9 9
118,938, 119,832 11 2
Legacies (£6,754 14s. 3d. under
average) e oe -- £13,945 5 9
Ditto Balance of Equalisa-
tion Fund withdrawu .. 4,940 111
Ditto Balance of average
borrowed from Crossley
Fund .. oe oe oe 1,814 12 4
23,000. —_—_ 20,700 0 0
—-——_ £140,532 11 2
34,669. Received and appropriated at Mission Stations 37,016 4 0
British Museum,for Ethnographical Collection 1,000 0 O
Investments realised (India and Africa Funds) 1,580 0 O
*Defieleney for 1911-12.. oe oe 999 0 2
. * Since removed by Special Donations. £181,127 16 4
Legacy for Evangelistic Work in Chinn ee oe oe £781 410
Legacies for Work at Stations in India oe .e ee 244 9 O
Legacy for Medical Missions .. we se oe ee 1,000 U0 0
Ditto for Capital (Buildings or otherwise) oe ee 250 O 0
Ditto for Widows and Orphans’ Fund __.. a oe 1co 0 0
Ditto for Su...”
2 |
“...-- £100,888 13 8
7,905, Australasia, &c. .. ee oe ee ee 8,191 110
6,161. Mission Stations we ee ee oe 6,701 6 4
4,671. Dividends .. ee ee oe ee oe 4,051 9 9
118,938. 119,833 11 2
Legacies (£6,754 14s. 3d. under
average) .- oe -. £13,945 5 9
Ditto Balance of Equalisa-
tion Fund withdrawn .. 4,940 111
Ditto Balance of average
borrowed from Crossley
Fund .. oe oe .- 1,81412 4
232,000. —_—_—_—— 20,700 0 O
——_——_ £140,532 11 2
34,669. Received and appropriated at Mission Stations 37,016 4 0
British Museum ,for Ethnographical Collection 1,000 0 0
Investments realised (India and Africa Funds) 1,580 0 0
*“Defieleney for 1911-12.. es ee ee 999 0 2
* Since removed by Special Donations. £181,197 15 4
Legacy for Evangelistic Work in China oe oe a £781 410
Legacies for Work at Stations in India oe e oe 244 9 0
Legacy for Medical Missions... ee we we .. 1,000 0 0
Ditto for Capital (Buildings or otherwise) ee ee 250 O 0
Ditto for Widows and Orphans’ Fund e +. oe 100 0 O
Ditto for Superannuated...”