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“...facts:—(1) Boys who want education so much that they are willing to work six hours a day to obtain it, surely mean business; and (2) The association of these boys with Europeans during their working hours, is of great advantage to them in the learning of English.” The Government District Inspector made his annual inspection of the school in November, and the following extracts from his Report will be read with interest :— ‘“* Good progress is being made in the formation of a library, and the museum should be started without delay, as it is needed for the teaching of drawing and is essential for the object-lessons of the pupil teachers. The staff is not adequate, asin addition to 102 pupils in the Elementary and the Industrial Divisions there are now eleven pupil teachers, and in Igti students for the third year will be included; a European Assis- tant is urgently required, as at present the Principal has charge of Standards V., VI. and VII. and all the pupil teachers; it is not recom-...”