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“...Mrs. Hart and Mr. Taylor, the foreign Staff has thus been as large as any other College in North China. “Mr. J. W. Fell, M.A. (Durham), has been with us since the autumn of 1905. Mr. Martin left us at the beginning of the year to occupya place on the Wuchang Boone College Staff. It was necessary for him ¢ to leave as he was about to be married, and his salary here was insufficient. Mr. Sowerby has been with us three terms, and has done good work, especially in the Museum. He is now travelling in Shansi for the British Museum. Mr. Karl Gordon and Mr. Moore Gordon have dene good and faithful work during the year, They have added a great deal to the Christian tone of the Institution, and have shown to Chinese teachers a splendid example of faithfulness to duty. We trust they may be here for many years.”’ The total receipts compare very favourably with those of the previous year, a result chiefly due to the raising of the fees. Notwithstanding this rise the number of students is 345, as compared...”