1 |
Walker, Rev F. W, Hemans,MrsJ.H E. 4 0 0 E.0. DISTRICT, Basing Place Auziliary.
of New Guinea, for Hicks, Miss E. ...... 19 3 ’
New Guinea ship..100 0 O/L.C .c.....sc000.,.. 2 3 6|RevVA.H. Storrow, Secretary, | Young Men's class.. 5 16 8
— |LeM Miss E 20 0 , Sunday school boxes 4 5 0
CATE, MAGS Levees | Do., Self denial Fund 15 @
117 5 O} Museum .........6.. 1 1 4! ORDER OF CHURCHES. Mr "Ja T 110
7 1 O-vh 2 Simpson, Miss A..... 1 1 0 CITY :-— » VAS. ACO socesece
For Widows and O-phans and | Starkey, MrS F.,and -
Superannuated Missionaries’ family, for Zenana City A Chapel. 30 6 8
Fund, rogmia tt «= 438 Ob] New = Tabernacle (Old Silver Street.
Bellamy, Mrand Mrs 1 1 0 eeccccecs " Street).
A Friend............ 50 90 U 16 4 8 Silver Street, Falcon Rev A. H. Stcrrow.
J. J. Dicccccccccccves 5 0 0 Square. |
— Centenary Fund. Whitefield Tabernacle. “Mr A. A. Wood, Treasurer,
56 1 0 Mite box $0 | Secretary, and M A.C. Dele-
e@eenee80080080 RE e.
For New...”