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“...of the mission, held on the second day, are the following :— ‘$11. We have great pleasure in being able to inform the Directors that the natives of this (Murray) island have collected all their idols and charms, both of wood and stone, and handed them over to the teacher, Josaia, to await the return of Mr. Macfarlane from China Straits, saying that they have no more faith in them, and desire to worship God alone. ‘¢ Resolved: ‘That some be picked out and sent to the Directors for the Mission Museum, and that the rest be burnt in the presence of the Murray IsJanders, and the strangers now here on account of the Annual Meeting; and that in connection with the burning of these idols an impressive service be held, the rumour of which we hope will have a good effect throughout the district.’ ‘12, That ninety-three natives from the seekers’ classes on Darnley and Murray Islands be admitted to the ordinance of baptism, and a special preparatory class, with a view to the formation of a church...”

“...7 r 1 r GENERAL STATEMENT. RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1878-9. Dn Cr. £ s. d, By Treasurer. At Stations. To Amount brought forward... es. ae rer 123,058 3 1 £sad £s. da. & 8. a. By Amount brought forward eve ee «5,873 6 4 1,699 3 7 109,990 15 9 12, Rent, Taxes, Repairs, Alterations and Fittings in Museum, New Buildings, &c., &ec, eve ose eee eee eee 1,018 tl 4 13, Sundries — Advertisements, Newspapers, Photographs, Law Charges, Packing Materials, Cleaning Mission House, Lights and Fuel, and various Incidental Expenses tee bee tee see -. 988 6 8 14. Grant to Home and School for 8ons and Orphans of Missionaries ... oes we 50 0 0 Ditto to Institution for Education of Daughters of Missionarics... tos bee 50 0 0 Total Home Expenditure o- «» 7,410 311 1,699 3 7 9,109 7 6 Total Ordinary and Special Expenditure vee wee wees«d2:9,100 83 8 15. Payment of Balance of Indian Famine Fund ... wee ves oe 3,957 19 10 123,058 3 1 $123,058 3 1 We have examined the above Account and the Vouchers...”