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“, rMr.Samways 29 0 a0l0 Of Miss Ann Cutler, Of Mrs. C. rion: late 00 Fitzroy Girls School . 010 0 | 32 18 }9 OFTLBCY eeveee seve oO Mm Sunday-scnoo ~~ late of Clerkenwell 100 0 0 es ————| _ perS. Blomfield... 1 6 2 ~~} On Cevecvervecs r Miss Howell...... 0 10 0|/Blaxham, Thom Of Mr. Jabez Draper —___-_—| pre ° OS oe.. 0 4 9 late of Hoxton, per Of Mr. Joseph Veary Fete centen 110 Carter, Master, »--...... ar Mesara.W.&T.Draper 100 0 0! ate of Clerkenwell, St, Panl’s Churchyard Missionary Museum’ .. 3 4 ~ aa! ~per Messrs. Treacher Young Men.s Mission- Sugden, "Master Henry Of Mr. Thomas Ellis, B& Veary seccecececeee 80 O Of ary Association at Pownle coos Me . ¥ secesees 0 7 0 late of Lambeth, per ——— essts. Hitchcock's... 1615 0 —_ Rey. R. T. Hunt.... 135 0 0 555 2 2/SalemChapel,NewNorth ll ha ——— Road, Sunday-school. 013 0 —___" ao ? - ee Sunmarp of Contributions in the London District, LONDON. Craven Chapel ........ 203 18 2/York-road, Lambeth .. 117 8 {Hounslow .....ssecoee 217...”

“...1082 17 6 Ditto, from Special Funds : ‘ . . . . . 9117 6 ——_——— J174 15 0 For the Passage and Landing Expenses of Missionaries returned from their Stations . : . . . . . . . . 578 4 38 For Salaries of Missionaries in England, and Support of their Families . 1590 12 9 PUBLICATIONS. Cost of 998,674 Juvenile Magazines, printed during the Year. . . 1320 12 3 194,329 Missionary Chronicles; 8,506 Annual Reports; 20,000 Abstracts of ditto; 227,500 Quarterly Sketches ; 55,100 Occasional Papers ; , 1,000 Museum Catalogues ; 2,650 Collecting Books; . 10,000 Notices and Circulars ; 33,100 Cards for Collectors and Meetings; with various other Printing agd Binding. . . . ; ‘ : 1320 8 1 2641 0 4 Deduct—Received by Sale of 940,088 Juvenile Magazines . . . 187413 5 Ditto, of Missionary Chronicles and other Publications . . . 467 1 7 1841 150 ——-——— 799 5 4 Carried forward £67,820 0 4...”