1 |
“... Insurance, Upholstery, Coal, and
Gas Lights . . . . . . . 25817 6
Received from Tenants of the adjoining Premises . ‘ ‘ 100 0 0
—-—— 158 17 6
Rent of Mission College, one Year ‘ . ; ° ‘ ‘ ‘ 130 0 8
Less Rent received . . : . . ° . ° : : 75 0 ’
Expenses at the Anniversary Services, including £50 for the, Use of Exeter Hall
and Finsbury Chapel . . : . . : . ‘ ‘ 208 7 3
Expenses relating to Legacies. : . ‘ . ‘ : . 14.3 6
Landing Expenses and Preserving of Specimens, and Cleaning the Missionary
Museum . . . . . . : . : ° 1119 1
Magazines and Books for Distribution and the Use of the Missionaries . ‘ 100 12 0
Home and Foreign Postage, Outward and Inward, with Carriage of Parcels . 243 14 7
Advertisements, Maps, Newspapers, Packing Materials, Cartage, Travelling, and
various incidental Expenses . “e ° ° : . : ‘ 261 14 2
Interest on Money Borrowed, and Annuities . ‘ ‘ . ‘ - g2 1 4
£79,265 5 1
. EE...”