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“...Lane— i
will of the late George Mrs. Davidson, box
Hammond, Eaq..... 3 5 0 and fines............ 1 1 0 MISSIONARY BOXES. |
From the executors of £1655 13 9] New Fye Street—School
the late Joseph Hard- —— for destitute children, ALP. wc. cccccaesseeee 0 2 5
castle, Esq., according for Bibles in Africa... 1 & 0} Dexter, Mr........... 2 3 1
to his dying request..210 0 0 8t. Paul’s—Young Ladies Kidd, Mrs............. 1 18
Under the will of the SMALL ASSOCIATIONS. andGentlemen inthees- Missionary Museum .. 6 9 It
Jate Mra, Masters, per tablishment of Messrs. Morrell, Mr., ((lobe
Mr. N. Meredith, exe- Colonnade Sunday School, G. Hitchcock & Co... 1110 0] Fields) family box .. 1 2 0
cutor, £200 3 per cent. for Madagascar...... 1 1 2 | Shoreditch—Workmenat Rout, Mrs., family .... 1 8 0
Coneols, sold for....191 0 0| Gloucester Chapel Sun- Mr. Evans’s eer _—_—
Less Daty paid.... 18 12 0 day School children... 1 9 4 hanging man tory 8 0 0 ain 64
———— | Great George Street, Ber- A few Curriers at No...”