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“...48 At the next meeting of the Society the subject for debate was that study of poetry in most schools was a waste or time. Mr. Sinton proposed this motion. The strength of the Opposition was quite overwhelming, much to the delight of those on the Staff who teach that sometimes unpopular subject. The voting was 5 to 15. On March 29th Dr. Judd very kindly consented to give the Society a most interesting and informal lecture on Reminiscences of Early Chefoo and Work in Inland China. The next Monday, April 3rd, the Public debate of the year took place in the Memorial Hall. The motion for dis- cussion was that the world would be happier if governed by women. As usual on these occasions, the girls joined in as part of the Society. The Proposer, Mr. Robertson, was seconded by Miss Earle; the Opposer, Mr. A. Cook, by Miss Kirk. After the opening speeches, Miss John, Mr. Walker and Miss Walker spoke, the latter comparing the efficiency of the Girls’ School with the “dirt and noise” of the Boys’...”
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“...Chefoo (pro tem.) JOHN Betty: G.S. ’33: ent’d Sch. Cert ’39: Guide P.S. '39: Swam 1 ml. ’38: Choir ’37-’39: Prefect ’38. Address: c/o Post Office, Kunming, Yunnan. LUDBROOK Myrtle E: G.S. ’36: Entd. Sch. Cert. ’39; Guide P.L. ’38: 1st. Cl. ’39: Bask. Ball Cols., Tennis Cols. Capt. ’39: Swam 2 mis. ’39: Prefect ’38: Ho. Capt. ’38. Prize for Loyalty ’39. Address: 63 'Whitehall Ed., Thornton Heath, Surrey. MACPHERSON Janet: P.S. ’29: G.S. ’32. Entd. Sch. Cert ’39: Swam 1 ml. ’38. Address: China Inland Mission, 1531 Sinza Rd., Shanghai. MURRAY Christina: P.S. ’29: G.S. ’33. Entd. Sch. Cert. ’39. Address: Stranraer, Field Lane, Chefoo....”
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“...Rosemary C.: G.S. ’34: Entd. Sch. Cert. 39: Guide P.S. ’38: Bask. Ball Cols. ’39. Address: Headington School, Oxford. HARRIS Marion G.: P.S. ’29: G.S. ’33. Entd. Sch. Cert. ’39: Guide P.L. and 1st. Cl. ’39; Bask. Ball Cols. ’38: Tennis Cols. ’39: Swam 1 ml. ’37: Prefect. ’38: Day Scholar Prize ’39. Address: C.I.M. Chefoo. HAYMAN Joyce W.: P.S. ’27: G.S. ’32: Entd. Sch. Cert. ’39: Guide P.L. ’38 Bask. Ball Cols. ’38: Boats Cols. ’38: Swam 1 ml. ’37: Choir ’34-’39 Prefect. ’38. , Address: China Inland Mission, 1531 Sinza Rd., Shangnai. WALKER. Elspeth L.: P.S. ’30: G.S. ’32: Ox. Jun. ’36: Entd Sch Cert ’39- Guide 1st Cl. and Allround Cords ’39: Bask. Ball C'ols and Capt. ’38: Tennis Cols. ’39: Boats Cols ’37 and Capt. ’38: Swam 1 ml. ’37: Sen. Prefect ’38: Conduct Watch ’39. Address: 112 Chandos Ave., Whetstone, London N....”
4 digital image 37

“...greet- ings and the assurance that your daughters are becoming as polished stones and your young sons as growing plants whose roots are in a blest and happy place. Were we artistic we should paint around this greeting an emerald wreath of fern studded with the sapphire agapanthus, opal hydrangea which banked the living picture. SENIOR SCHOOL PRIZE-GIVING Prize-giving Day in Chefoo! To those across the seven seas who remember just such a day once upon a time”, and to the mothers and fathers in inland China whose hearts are here is this written. Do you remember the rows of the blue sashes and white suits and merry faces? Can you still hear the metallic buzz of the scissor-grinders m the wil- low-trees outside the windows, the creak of the punkah and the happy hum of conversation? For you these are old and fragrant memories; for me, a new and happy experience....”
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“...Address: Dower House, St. Andrew’s North, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England.. YORKSTON Gordon C. P.S. '31: Pendant ’33: B.S. ’33: Entd. Sch. Cert ’39: Swam 2 mis. ’37: Footb. XI. ’38 Vice-Capt. ’38 Comm. ’38:' Cricket XI ’37-’39: Cols. ’38 Capt. ’39: Comm. ’39: Ath. Sprts. Comm. ’39: Challenge Shield ’39: Hockey XI ’38-’39: Vice- Capt ’39- L and D.S. Asst. Sec. ’38-’39: Chefus. Comm. 38-39: Boats Jun. Crew ’38, Sen. Crew ’39: Sch. Crew. ’39: Prefect ’38-’39. Ho. Capt. ’38-39. Address: China Inland Mission, 68 Cambridge St. Stanmore, Melbourne, Australia. Paton House BROWN Arthur E. V. B.S. ’34: Entd. Sch. Cert. ’39: Swam 2 mis ’38: Football XI ’38, Capt, ’38 Comm, ’38: Cricket XI ’38- ’39: Cols. ’39: Tennis VI ’39: Jun. Crew Cox ’37, Sen Crew. 39 Capt. Hero Club ’39: Choir ’35-’36: Prefect ’38-’39: School Capt. 38- 39 Ho. Capt. ’38-’39. Address: 136 Hungjao Rd., Shanghai. CEDERVALL Anton: B.S. Sp. T. ’35: Ox. Jun. ’37: Entd. Sch Cert. ’39: Librarian ’37-’38: Footb. ’39: Jun. crew Cox 37...”