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1 digital image 20

“...he explained some of these idioms in the second part of the performance and played two pieces of his own composition. Several jolly selections from the modern American music of Macdowell, and two fiom Liszt ended a brilliant performance. We are glad that Mr. Scott found the audience apprecia- tive and easy to play to: at the end he expressed a hope, which we would echo, that a future occasion will renew the pleasure given by his first visit to Chefoo. OXFORD EXAMINATION RESULTS. China Inland Mission Schools. School Certificate: Honours, with Matiric Exemption, Monica Earle, (Dist. in English, History and Scripture) Heather Hance (Dist. in Scripture and Mathematics), Robertson Sinton (Dist. in History), Margaret Olesen, John Hirst. Pass, with Matric. Exemption, Ethel Dickson (Dist. in Scripture), Doreen McCammon (Dist. in Scripture), James Learner (Dist. in nistory). Pass: Mildred Porter, (Dist. in Scripture), Florence Alderson, Doris Briscoe, Muriel Rouse, Isabel Sinton, Doreen Tull, Paul...”
2 digital image 36

“ Old Boy who is a curio dealer in the West End. The Matthew boys are sheepTarming in the heart of Australia. Eula Carr is going to “Ridglands”. There are doctors, nurses, bankers and missionaries innumerable: likewise various in academic vocations, teachers secretaries, librarians etc. Thank you for so kindly reading this letter (if you have), and feel quite free to take or leave the suggestion as you like. Yours very sincerely, Gladys V. Warren M. Fern King Margaret L. Olesen. China Inland Mission, London N. 16. Sept. 12th. 1934. (We are grateful for this suggestion: and we know that it will be supported bv many of our readers. We have written to some Old Chefusians already, and we shall be glad to receive informative articles of this sort from any who care to send them in, whether we ask personally or not) From the Editor’s Post-Bag. (Extracts published by consent of both sides.) (Repty) DI 1 Dear Blank, You have no right to raise my hopes only to dash them at once. Please send the c...”