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1 digital image 36

“...teachers have such terrible nice things to eat and can spread their bread themselves.” But the meal is, soon finished and the children file out., and w;ith that the teacher is off duty. eHkMi aiff.t bn* nldfeTLi lo*'ebD'iml fieed aarf rfoned’^odj Afb'teH .enter Tioifj (Contrib uted ) ^‘I9V*rGO 9 fl J -elrfw e Mod i hnn mohMlm vlrnen mA w ODDMENTS. b yfmqoiq'Tri b.‘ i ,noitx5e-(9Vffqo I A few days ago was Lammermuir Day, when Hudson Taylor sailed out to China, and discovered the China Iidand Mission. Professor Morse was the inventor of silent speaking. People were wondering what was happening to the world when poles were fitted up from New York to Boston with a number of wires. The reason was that Morse was going to telegraph to a friend of his on the other side Boston. Bring “individual” into a sentence. “He was an individual but he was going to be married”. Translate “The soldiers of the Roman legions were foot-soldiers:’’ “milus Romani legiones'o erant toes milus.” Also “Tn ancient times...”
2 digital image 39

“...Covered Way and a few last injunctions are given by Miss Macnair the Guide Captain.. .then silence, a silence tense with the pride of achievement. Miss Phare, the Ranger Captain, appears at the side door with Miss. Pyle and Mr. Gibb—a very glad chance it is that he is here on this great day—rand outside the one-time Shack, but now the Guide ..Clubroom, .there is a pause. “Except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build if.....” Miss Pyle steps back, and Mr. Gibb in the name of the Mission shares in the thanksgiving; and gives his blessing to the Guide Venture. Then with bowed heads God’s blessing is asked without which all build- ing, material and, spiritual, must be in vain; and the Club Room is dedicated, nufiuffifij r , ragin' aisp s no fno I (i'ul v .oaldsbu The key of the door is given to the senior Ranger and the youngest Guide, and the door is opened. .orrt b9’iJiBHB9,x bsoi aril to afiivil * * * * * . . The Leaders and Officers in the empty Club Room are holding a cerOmohy...”
3 digital image 53

“...Smith. We hope to see them at our Reunion. * * * * * NORTH AMERICA. Margaret Paterson graduated in July, 1930, gaining the M.B., Ch.B., with the Gilfillan Prize, which is awarded to the most distinguished woman student in the year. She sailed for Singapore in October, 1930. She arrived there at 6 a.m. on November 29th, and was married the same day to Dr. Cameron. On November 15th, 1931, she received a dau- ghter, Margaret Anne. They are in charge of the Kulim Kedah Malaya Hospital, twenty miles inland from Penang. William Paterson (Weelum) was married in June, 1931, and lives in Edinburgh. Tom Paterson is a tea planter in India. Eunice Bevis has done a full nursing course and came secoim in General Proficience, only .01% behind the one above her, and first in the year in Ort.hopoedie, with 95% She is now living with Mr. and Mrs. Noel Palmer, and doing private nursing....”