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“...of the Bishop Auckland Geo- graphical Association, and also “runs” a Junior Branch of the League of Nations Union. N. Dansey Smith writes: “I left Chefoo in August, 1931, and travelled home by way of the U.S.A. After two weeks in England I was accepted by the Medical Missionary Association, and am now doing my pre-medical year (rabbits, frogs, leaves, volts and nitric acid etc.) at the East London College. T am also rowing for the College second Eight. I also help at the Bethnal Green Medical Mission Sunday School.” Christopher Fairclough works at the Asiatic Petroleum Company just off Bishopsgate, E.C. He is a member of the Stoke Newington Crusader Class, and in charge of the Scripture Union, is Assistant- Secretary of the Highbury Crusaders’ Fellowship, and helps to lead the Morning Sunday School at the Highbury Hill Baptist Church; is studying Music, Economic History, German and Greek in his spare time, and also plays football for one of his Office Club teams. May Harding writes very ...”
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“...year Arts at St. Andrews’, and is getting some golf in. Bobby Walker is sitting for his Pre-Rcgistration Chemistry. He hopes to enter the Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh, this April Laurie Wedderburn is studying Forestry at. Edinburgh. He is very disgusted that he has to spend a fortnight of the Easter Vac. doing some sort of practical forestry (planting seeds, etc. and digging them up to see how they are getting on.) Kate Young is studying Medicine at Edinburgh, with a view to the foreign mission field. She is in her third year, and enjoying it very much. She wouldn’t change her career for anything. Marion Young has finished her nurse’s training with special midwifery and eye work, and is now at the C.T.M. training home, and hopes to go to China in September. [We regret that we are obliged to hold over till the next issue news from other centres-—Ed.]...”