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“...20 (?t summery haze, early dispelled by brilliant sun- shine, preluded a morning of exceptional beauty on the China Inland Mission Compound, where all was in readiness for the event to which so many had looked for- ward—-the marriage of Mr. Stanley Gordon Martin and Miss Frances Heather Moore. The Memorial Hall, which was most tastefully de- corated with cinerarias, geraniums and blossom, was com- fortably filled with the girls and boys of the C.I.M. Schools and with many friends, when the bride arrived punctually at 10.30 a.m. Escorted by the Rev. A. Lutley and closely followed by the bridesmaid, Miss K. Macnair, the bride walked down the aisle to the strains of Wagner’s Bridal Chorus, and at the beautifully decorated platform met the bridegroom, who was attended by Mr. S. Houghton as groomsman. The bride wore a beautiful dress of hand-made lace over oyster satin. Particular interest attached to the lace, which had belonged to her great grandmother, and to the veil made by the bride’s...”