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“...GALLANT RESCUE BY A MASTER OF THE C.I.M. BOYS’ SCHOOL. Leap from s.s. “Kyodo Maru 21” to save a drowning Japanese. The whole of the foreign community is being stirred with the report of a thrilling incident which occurred on Sunday morning, when one of the residents on the China Inland Mission Compound, returning from Dairen, gal- lantly went to the aid of a drowning man in mid-ocean and succeeded in saving his life. Mr. C. G. Edwards, B.Sc., who arrived at the Boys’ School last January and who has shown distinct ability in the Mathematical and Scientific side of the curriculum, left Chefoo on Friday last to meet his sister at Dairen. At midnight on Saturday, the S.S. Kyodo Maru 21 left that port, bound for Chefoo, carrying a few foreigners, including Mr. and Miss Ed- wards, and a large number of other nationals. At about 9.30 on Sunday morning when the ship was making rapid progress on a sea like glass, the small party of foreigners heard a shout at the stern. A commotion ensuing, the...”