

General Note:
Authorship uncertain; has been attributed to Maitreyanatha
General Note:
Includes a Table of Contents
General Note:
Title page includes text in Russian; Title page and introduction in English.
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Shcherbatskoĭ, F. I. (Fedor Ippolitovich), 1866-1942 : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/76424222
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Obermiller, Eugéne, 1901-1935 : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/66887538
General Note:
VIAF (name authority) : Maitreyanātha : URI http://viaf.org/viaf/167287561

Record Information

Source Institution:
SOAS University of London
Holding Location:
SOAS University of London
Rights Management:
This title is believed to be in the public domain under copyright legislation of the Soviet Union (USSR) at the time of publication
Resource Identifier:
374163 ( ALEPH )
III.1.k.15 /22401 ( SOAS classmark )